
list objects of a particular kind


show [ -fx ] accuwork
show [ -fx ] [ -p <depot> ] -s <stream> allowed show [ -fx ] [ -p <depot> ] -s <stream> denied show [ -fx ] depots
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [ -u <principal> ] groups
show [ -fx ] locks
show [ -fx ] [ -g <group-name> ] members
show [ -f<format(s) ] [ -ks [ -p <depot> ] | -ku | -s <stream> |
-u <principal> ] [ -n <pattern> ] [ -r ] properties
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [-s <reftree>] refs
show [ -fx ] sessions
show [ -f<format(s)> ] slices
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [ -p <depot> ] [ -d ] [ -t <time-spec> ]
[ -s <stream> [ -m[<match-type>] ] [ -r | -R | -1 ] ] [ -k [ ( ] <stream-kinds> [ ) ] ] streams
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [ -p <depot> ] [ -d ] [ -t <time-spec> ]
[ -l <list-file> [ -m[<match-type>] ] [ -r | -R | -1 ] ] [ -k [ ( ] <stream-kinds> [ ) ] ] streams
show [ -fx ] [ -p <depot> ] -s <depot> stream_rules
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [ -p <depot> ] triggers
show [ -f<format(s)> ] users
show [ -f<format(s)> ] [ -a | -s <workspace>] wspaces


The show command displays information about all objects of a particular type:

  • accuwork: Lists the depots in the repository that contain AccuWork issues. Displays the same information as depots.
  • allowed: Identifies the users and groups that are allowed to access the specified stream. The returned list of users and groups is fully expanded – every user that is a member of an allowed group is included in the XML output.

  • denied: Identifies the users and group s that are not allowed to access the specified stream. The returned list of users and groups is fully expanded – the XML output includes every user who is (a) a member of a denied group and (b) not a member of any explicitly allowed group.

  • depots: For each AccuRev depot, displays (Depot) the depot name, (Depot#) the depot number, and (Slice#) the slice number.
  • groups: For each group, displays (Group#) the group number and (Group) the group name. If a <principal> is specified, displays all the groups to which that principal belongs.
  • locks: Displays a line for each stream lock, in this form:
  • {to|from|all} <stream-name> [ {except|only} for <user-or-group-name> ] [ <comment> ]
  • members (of groups): For each user who belongs to any group — or to the particular group specified with the -g option — displays (User) the user’s principal-name and (Group) the group name.
  • properties: Displays properties created using the setproperty command for the specified stream or principal.
  • refs (reference trees): Similar to the wspaces display (see below). The Stream# value identifies the stream or snapshot that the reference tree is based on. The workspace type value (next-to-last number) is always 3.
  • sessions: Lists all the active login sessions for your AccuRev Server, indicating the IP address of the user’s client machine and the duration of the session (in minutes).
  • slices: For each AccuRev depot, displays (Slice#) the slice number, and (Location) the full pathname to the directory within the repository that stores the data for that depot.
  • streams: For each stream in the repository — or a subset of the streams specified by the -p, -s, -R, -r, -1, -d, -m, ‑l, ‑k, and/or ‑t options — displays:

  • (Stream) the stream name
  • (Backing Stream) the name of the stream’s backing/parent stream
  • (Depot) the name of the depot to which the stream belongs
  • (Stream#) the stream number
  • (Dyn) a “Y” if the stream is dynamic
  • (Basis Time) the basis time, if any, for a dynamic stream
  • The listing includes all kinds of streams, including workspace streams, pass-through streams, and snapshots.

    startTime and time in -fx output -- If you use the -fx option for show streams, the XML output includes a startTime value for all streams, which specifies the time the stream was created. If the stream has a time basis or is a snapshot stream, the show -fx streams XML output also includes a time value, which specifies the basis time for the stream/snapshot. Both times are written in UNIX epoch format.

  • stream_rules: For the stream specified by the -p and -s options, lists the workflows and workflow rules associated with the stream that dictate:

    • What workflow an issue must be in before it can enter or leave a stream
    • Optionally, what workflow stage an issue must be in before it can enter or leave a stream
    • Whether or not to allow incomplete issues or individual files to be promoted.

    By default, output is in XML format, regardless of whether or not the -fx option is used.

  • triggers: For each trigger created with the mktrig command, displays the type of trigger and the name or pathname of the trigger executable (script or program). Use the -p option to limit the listing to a particular depot’s triggers. Triggers that are enabled by creating a script at a well-known pathname (e.g. server_admin_trig) are not listed by this command.
  • users: For each user, displays (User#) the unique user-ID number and (User) the principal-name.
  • wspaces (workspaces): For a specific workspace, for all workspaces in the repository, or for each workspace that belongs to you (the default) — displays

    • (Name) the workspace name
    • (Storage) the full pathname to the workspace tree
    • (Host) the name of the machine where the workspace tree resides
    • (Stream) the stream number of the workspace stream, and four additional items:
    • (Target_trans) how up-to-date the workspace should be.
    • (Trans) how up-to-date the workspace actually is. Usually, Target_trans and Trans levels are the same. See Update Level and Scan Threshold in the update reference page.
    • (depot) the depot with which the workspace is associated.
    • (fileModTime) the timestamp of the last time the workspace was updated, converted to hex.
    • (Type) one of the following: 1 (standard workspace), 9 (exclusive-file locking), 17 (anchor-required).
    • (EOL) One of the following: 0 (platform-appropriate), 1 (UNIX/Linux style: NL), 2 (Windows style: CR-LF)
    • (user_id) the unique user-ID number
    • (user_name) the principal-name.



(“dash-one”) Also lists the immediate children of the specified stream(s) when you use show streams with the -s or -l option.


(show wspaces only) Display all workspaces. By default, show displays only workspaces that belong to you (i.e., to your principal-name). Cannot be used with the -s option.


Restrict the display to streams with non-empty default groups.

-f <format(s)>

Use one or more of the following format letters:

i: Include deactivated (removed) items in the listing; for properties, include properties for hidden streams or principals. Cannot be used with the -s option for show wspaces.
I: Include deactivated (removed) items, and include old definitions of all items. Cannot be used with the -d option, nor with the -1, -m, -r, or -R options in show streams.
v: For show users, adds a Kind column to output, indicating whether the user is licensed for use of “full” (both configuration management and issue management) or “dispatch” (issue management only). For show wspaces, adds a Loc (location) column to output.
x: Display the results in XML format.
xg: (valid for show streams) Display the results in XML format. This variant includes the hasDefaultGroup attribute, which indicates whether each stream has a default group. Requires the -p option.

Note: To combine two or more formats, include them in the same expression. For example to display a list of deactivated items in XML format, specify -fxi. If you repeat the -f option (-fx -fi), the second instance is ignored.

-g <group-name>

Restrict a member listing to the specified group.

-k <stream-kinds>

Restricts the kinds of streams that are included in show streams output. Valid values are: workspace, normal, snapshot, gated, staging, passthrough.

Use the -k option with a comma-separated list of the desired stream types. For example, -k normal,snapshot. Instead of commas, you can use spaces or tabs as separators if you surround the list of types with double quotes, such as -k "normal snapshot".

To exclude specific kinds of streams from the output, surround the list with parentheses. For example, -k (normal,snapshot) or -k ("normal snapshot").

-ks | ku

Indicates the type of properties to display: stream (-ks) or user (-ku). By default, show properties displays stream properties if -p, -s, or no options are specified; user properties are displayed if the -u option is specified.

-l <list-file>

Process the streams listed in the specified file. The file must be text only, containing one stream name or number per line. Extra whitespace is not allowed; make sure there are no empty lines and no leading or trailing whitespace around the filenames. There is no provision for comment lines in a list-file. This option can also be used with one of -1 (“dash-one”), -r, or -R. You cannot also specify streams using the -s option.

-m <match-type>

Indicates how the character string(s) specified with -s or -l are to be used in selecting streams to be listed. You can use any one of the following “match types”:

-mx: (default, if -m not specified) Selects a stream if its name exactly matches the string specified with -s or any of the strings in the list-file specified with -l.
-mc: Like -mx, but a specified string can occur anywhere within a stream name.
-me: Like -mx, but a specified string must match the end of a stream name.
-ms: Like -mx, but a specified string must match the start of a stream name.

With -mx or no -m option, matches are made with both active and removed streams; with all other -m options, matches are made only with active streams, unless you also specify the -fi option.

-n <pattern>

For show ... properties, specifies the glob pattern the property name must match; only properties whose name matches the glob pattern are displayed.

The glob pattern is a simple pattern that allows "*" to specify one or more unmatched characters or "?" to match exactly one unmatched character. Use the backslash (\) as an escape character to pass a literal "*" or "?". A name with no pattern characters will be exactly matched.

Note: You must use -n to specify a pattern for the property name if you use the -l option.

-p <depot>

Restrict a stream or trigger listing to the specified depot. The depot can be specified by name or number. Required if you are using the -ks option with show ... properties.


Also list the stream path and all children of the selected stream(s). Must be used in combination with the -s or -l option.

For show ... properties, -r shows the value of the reserved streamStyle property.


Also list all children of the selected stream(s). Must be used in combination with the -s or -l option.

-s <name>

(show wspaces and show refs only) Return information only for the named workspace (or reference tree), even if it is inactive or inaccessible. Cannot be used with the -a or -fi options.

-s <stream>  or  -s <stream-pattern>

(show streams only) Restrict the scope to the specified stream — or streams matching the stream pattern that you specify with -m. You can use -1 (“dash-one”), -r, or -R along with this option. The stream can be specified by name or number. If you specify a stream by number, you must also specify a depot with the -p option.

(show stream_rules only) Restrict the scope to the specified stream. The stream can be specified by name or number. If you specify a stream by number, you must also specify a depot with the -p option.

In either case, if you use -s, you cannot also specify a list of streams (or stream-patterns) using the -l option.

-t <time-spec>

Show the streams that existed at the specified time. You must also use one of the -l, -s, or -p options. Note that a renamed stream may appear under its new or old name, depending on the <time-spec> you specify.

A time-spec can be any of the following:

  • Time in <"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS"> format, "2007/08/07 20:27:15", for example. Note that you must use quotes when specifying time-spec as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS to ensure that the entire argument is interpreted by the command shell as a single token.
  • Time keyword: now
  • Transaction number as a positive integer: e.g. 146 or 23965
  • Transaction number keyword: highest

When using the –t option, take into account the possibility of a timewarp. The AC_SYNC environment variable (see AccuRev User Preferences) determines how a timewarp will be handled. See also System Clock Synchronization in the AccuRev Admin Guide.

-u <principal>

For show ... properties, the AccuRev user whose properties are to be displayed.
For show ... groups, displays all the groups to which the specified principal belongs.


Display the names of all depots in the repository:

> accurev show depots

Display the principal-names of all AccuRev users:

> accurev show users

Display the value of the streamStyle property for the stream nightly:

> accurev show -s nightly -n streamStyle -r properties

Display the names of all streams in depot gizmo:

> accurev show -p gizmo streams

Display the names of the streams that existed in depot gizmo at the time of transaction 248:

> accurev show -p gizmo -t 248 streams

Display the name of the stream renamed_stream (renamed in transaction 100) at the time of transaction number 50:

> accurev show -t 50 -s renamed_stream streams

Display the stream path and all children for stream devt_brass in depot gizmo:

> accurev show -p gizmo -s devt_brass -r streams

Display the workflow rules for stream devt_brass in depot gizmo:

> accurev show -fx -p gizmo -s devt_brass stream_rules
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AcResponse Command="show stream_rules">
  <Stream Name="devt_brass" allow_incomplete_issues="yes">
        <Workflow Name="defects" restrict_stages="no">
            <Transition from_stage="WIP" to_stage="New"/>
            <Transition from_stage="Dev Complete" to_stage="Deferred"/>
        <Workflow Name="workflow_check_conditions" restrict_stages="no">
            <Transition from_stage="New" to_stage="Scheduled"/>
            <Transition from_stage="Scheduled" to_stage="WIP"/>
            <Transition from_stage="WIP" to_stage="Dev Complete"/>
        <Workflow Name="enhancements" restrict_stages="no">
            <Transition from_stage="Deferred" to_stage="Closed"/>
            <Transition from_stage="Dev Complete" to_stage="Deferred"/>

See Also
