Using a Time-based Stream to Reproduce a Previous Configuration

  1. Go to the StreamBrowser tab (example: acme).
  2. Select the base stream.
  3. Right-click then select New Stream from the context menu.
  4. Specify the stream name (example: acme_old_config).
  5. Specify the basis time by clicking the Specified radio button, then entering a time just after that of the base stream’s first promote transaction (the time you noted above). Then click Ok.
  6. Drag-and-drop the workspace from the integration stream to the newly created stream.
  7. Double-click the workspace to open it, then click the Updatebutton () on the toolbar. Then click View Full Log.

    Older versions of files are loaded into the workspace, and now you are able to test the previous configuration.

  8. Drag-and-drop the workspace from the newly created stream back to the integration stream.
  9. Double-click the workspace to open it, then click the Updatebutton () on the toolbar.

    Newer versions of files are loaded into the workspace.