What’s New in AccuRev 7.7

This chapter describes enhancements implemented in release 7.7.

GUI enhancements

Pulse updated to version 23.2

Pulse has been upgraded to version 23.2 in AccuRev release 7.7. Following are some of the enhancements in Pulse:

  • UI look & feel has been changed.
  • Angular version updated.
  • Security fixes

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Git Server enhancements

Git-Server backend capability is enhanced to accommodate the AccuRev WebUI migration activity which will be part of upcoming releases.

Users should perform steps below only if they would like to see the WebUI re-directions to Git-Server. Since AccuRev WebUI is still present in 7.7, it would continue to function as it was in earlier releases:

  1. Add new URLs in Git-Server for all the WebUI links from ACGUI to re-direct to Git-Server page.
  2. Add new URLs in Git-Server for Eclipse/VisualStudio/IntelliJ/Jenkins integrations for all the WebUI links to navigate to Git-Server page.


  1. The functionalities above can be used by the user only after making settings.xml file changes as below. By default, the webui field in the settings.xml file has the following value: http://<hostname>:8080/accurev, you have to change it to git-server and then restart the services.

  2. Some WebUI functionalities are not implemented, for those features or WebLinks, the Page not implemented page would be shown.

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Third-party component and security upgrades

The following third-party components have been upgraded in AccuRev 7.7:

  • Java. The AccuRev full server installer & client installer installs JRE 11.0.19, which enables changing the scale of the AccuRev GUI on a Linux machine with a 4K monitor.
  • Tomcat 8.5.87

In addition, the source code in all the AccuRev components has been extensively reviewed and amended to address security vulnerabilities.

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See also: