Administer PulseUno

This section describes the tasks administrations perform on PulseUno (formerly Pulse).

Configure the Avatar Server (Administrators)

Administrators can configure where PulseUno obtains user avatar images.

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. Select Avatars.
  3. Select one of the following sources for avatar images and user information:

    • Disabled. All avatars display the default user picture.
    • Solutions Business Manager. Use an SBM server to find avatar images and full names. Set the SBM server.
    • LDAP Server. Use the LDAP settings, see below.
    • Gravatar. Use an email address suffix. Set the suffix.
  4. If you selected LDAP, specify the following information:

    • Server URL. The URL of the LDAP server, for example:


    • Username. The bind user to perform searches as, for example:

      cn=binduser,ou=Organizational Unit 1,ou=Organizational Unit 2,dc=example,dc=com

    • Password. The password of the LDAP bind user.

    • Base DN for search. The base DN to search from, for example:


    • Avatar image attribute. The LDAP attribute containing avatar image data, for example:


    • Follow LDAP referrals. To enable searches to follow LDAP referrals, toggle Follow LDAP referrals to Yes.

    • Search filter. The LDAP search filter to match objects, for example:


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Configure special services (Administrators)

Administrators can configure the servers that provide specialized services to PulseUno, such as Solutions Business Manager.

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. Select Servers.
  3. In the Solutions Business Manager URL box enter the URL for the SBM user workspace, for example:

  4. In the Email Address Domain Suffix box enter the suffix that is automatically appended to user names to form email addresses, for example:

  5. Click Save.

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Configure SMTP email settings (Administrators)

Administrators can edit a configuration file that tells PulseUno how to send emails using SMTP.

  1. Navigate to, and edit, the file in the PulseUno data directory.
  2. Modify the following:

    • server.mail.channels=smtp
    • server.mail.from=<email-sent-from-address> (e.g.,
    •<smtp-hostname> (e.g.,
    • server.smtp.port=<smtp-port-defaults-to-25>
    • server.smtp.auth=<true-or-false> (e.g., false)
    • server.smtp.username=<username>
    • server.smtp.password=<password>
  3. Save the file.

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Administer email notifications (Administrators)

Administrators can manage the review email notifications that users can subscribe to, and unsubscribe from. If a notification is disabled, users will not see the notification listed in their subscription preferences. If a notification is available, users can choose to subscribe to it.

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. Select Notifications.
  3. For each notification type select one of the following:

    • Disabled. The notification is not available for users to subscribe to.
    • Send notification. The notification is sent to users by default though they can unsubscribe from it.
    • Do not send notification. The notification is not sent to users by default though they can subscribe to it.
  4. If you do not want users to receive code fragments in email notifications, clear the Include code fragments option.
  5. Click Save.

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Manage users (Administrators)

A user can be one of the following:

  • Standard. Can use peer reviews, changeset views, and request management.
  • Administrator. Can change a user's type and administer the system. There can be multiple administrators.

Note: Users are registered automatically in PulseUno when they log in. Administrators only need to configure which users have administrator privileges.

To manage users:

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. Select Users. A list of all the currently registered users is displayed including their user name, full name, email address, and user type.
  3. Select one or more standard users. From the More menu select Add administrator privilege.
  4. Select one or more administrators. From the More menu select Remove administrator privilege.

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Configure connection to connections (Administrators)

Administrators can add and modify connections to multiple repositories (SCM base databases).

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. Select Connections.
  3. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new repository select New Connection and select AccuRev.
    • To edit the connections for an existing repository, select it from the list. Click Connection Details.
  4. In the Title box enter, or modify, the name of the SCM repository.
  5. In the Server box enter, or modify, the network name of the SCM server and port, for example: serverName:PortNumber.
  6. Enter your SCM account username and password to use for background processing against the SCM repository.
  7. Click Save.

When PulseUno accesses an SCM repository, it presents a set of credentials. The credentials used for interactive access will be those you logged into PulseUno with, but when you defined the repository you also specified some credentials to be used for background processing when a logged-in PulseUno user is not available.

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Clear PulseUno caches (Administrators)

If you have made a configuration change and it is not visible, try clearing the relevant cache.

  1. On the top navigation click Administration.
  2. On the sidebar select Caches.
  3. Click Clear to empty a cache.
  4. To clear all caches click Clear All.

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