
This section provides details about reports.

Dashboard reports

Dashboard reports display statistics and trends that are generated from the activity in your streams. Reports are scoped to the space, product, or stream from where you run them. If you are an administrator you can create and manage reports.

  • Spaces can only run reports created at the space level.
  • Streams can run all reports created at all levels.

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Create reports

You can create a new report and add multiple panels. Each panel can have one of the following:

Option Description

A chart with a single value, for example, the number of deliveries made.
Line Chart

An illustration of data points at successive time intervals. Mouse over a time interval to display the data for each value.
Pie Chart

A circular statistical graphic that is divided into sectors to illustrate numerical proportion. Mouse over a sector to display its value. The value in the middle is the first metric's numeric value as a percentage of the total.

Bar Chart

A diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines, or rectangles of equal width.

A set of data arranged in rows and columns.

To create a report:

  1. Select the level where you want to create the report (a space, product, or stream).

  2. On the sidebar select Reports.

  3. From the Actions menu and select Create View.

  4. In the Title box enter a name for the new view.

  5. In the Note box optionally enter information about the report.

  6. Click Save.

  7. To add a panel to the report do the following:

    1. Click Add panel.
    2. Enter a name for the panel.
    3. Select a display type.
    4. Select Report on difference from previous value to show how a value has changed over time. For example, to show a trend such as the number of defects.
    5. Select a width for the display (as a percentage of the width of the main window).
    6. Click Save.
  8. To add more panels repeat the previous step.

  9. Drag and drop panels to change their positions in the report.

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Run reports

To run reports:

  1. Select the level at which you want to run the report (a space, product, or stream).
  2. On the sidebar select Reports.
  3. From the Reports list select a pre-defined report.
  4. (Optional) Select a time period for the report (start and end dates).
  5. To refresh the report click Refresh.

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Manage reports (Administrators)

Administrators can delete and edit reports.

  1. Select the space, product, or stream where the report is located.
  2. On the sidebar select Reports.
  3. From the Reports list select a report.
  4. To delete the report, from the Actions menu select Delete and confirm.
  5. To edit the report's title and description, from the Actions menu select Edit Title & Notes.
  6. To edit a report panel click Edit in its title bar. Modify the settings and click Save.
  7. To remove a panel click Delete in its title bar and confirm.
  8. Drag and drop panels to change their position in the report.

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