Installing Apache Tomcat

To install Tomcat, download an Apache Tomcat 5.5 installer from the Apache Tomcat web site.

Considerations for Windows Users

If you are installing Tomcat on a Windows machine, consider the following:

  • Installing a Windows service. During Tomcat installation, select the Service Startup box under Tomcat on the Choose Components pane. This option automatically installs and runs the Windows service to control Tomcat.
  • Running the Tomcat service. After installing Tomcat on Windows, ensure that the Tomcat service is not running as the Local System account. Right-click on the Tomcat icon in the System Tray, and choose Configure from the menu. On the Log on tab, specify a user name and password to log on as, and click OK to save the changes.

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Running Tomcat Automatically on Startup

Because the Web UI requires Tomcat, consider setting Tomcat to run automatically on startup:

  • (Windows users) Configure the Tomcat service to start automatically using the Services control panel. You can access the Services control panel from the Start menu by choosing Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, for example. (Specific procedures vary based on Windows operating system.)
  • (Linux users) Add the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

    <CATALINA_HOME>/bin/ &

    where <CATALINA_HOME> is the Tomcat installation directory.

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