Promoting Elements

The Promote command sends versions of one or more elements from a stream or workspace to its parent stream, making those versions available to the parent stream. Promoted versions can also be inherited by all dynamic streams and workspaces below the backing stream. Inheritance by dynamic streams is automatic; inheritance by a workspace occurs when the user updates that workspace.

AccuRev creates a single transaction in the depot to record the promotion, regardless of the number of versions promoted to the parent stream.

Using Promote

The typical use of Promote is to take private versions in your workspace and make them public by sending them to the workspace’s parent (also referred to as its backing stream). You can also use Promote to send versions from one dynamic stream to another. You cannot use Promote to promote to a stream other than a parent.

Effect of Status on Promote

A file’s status affects whether you can promote it:

  • You can promote elements from a workspace only if they have a status of (kept).
  • You cannot promote any element if it has a status of (overlap). In this case, you must merge the version you want to promote with the version in the backing stream. You can then promote new, merged version.
  • The (underlap) status is similar to (overlap) — an element has changed in your workspace and in the backing stream. With (underlap), the changes in your workspace version have already been promoted to the backing stream (from another workspace, or from a stream elsewhere in the depot’s stream hierarchy, for example). You can revert the changes in your workspace, or merge and promote as with (overlap) elements.

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Promoting AccuRev Elements

To promote an AccuRev element in the Web UI:

  1. Select the elements you want to promote. You can use Ctrl+ click and Shift+ click to select multiple files.
  2. Click the Promote button () in the toolbar.

    Alternative: Right-click a selected file and choose Promote from the context menu.

    The Promote dialog box appears:

  1. Enter a comment for the files you are promoting. The same comment is used for all files you are promoting.

If you have enabled change package integration, you will be prompted to choose an issue to promote the changes to. See Using AccuWork for more information about Change Packages.

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