Any AccuSync Installation Using AccuRev 6.1 or Higher

AccuRev 6.1 introduced support for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to provide encrypted communication between AccuRev clients and the AccuRev Server. In addition to the required procedures summarized in the preceding table, if you are using AccuRev 6.1 or higher and SSL has been enabled on the AccuRev Server, you must perform the following procedure or AccuSync will not be able to connect to the AccuRev server:
  1. From a shell or console on the machine on which AccuSync is installed, set the environment variable ACCUREV_HOME= to the root of your AccuSync installation directory. For example:
    ACCUREV_HOME="c:\Program Files\AccuSync\"
  2. From the same shell or console as in the previous step, run the command:
    accurev enable_ssl -H <server_name:port>
    where <server_name:port> is the server name and port of the AccuRev Server that you used to configure AccuSync.
  3. When prompted, review and accept the certificate.

    Note: You must accept the certificate to be able to use AccuSync.

For more information on SSL and how it is implemented in AccuRev, see AccuRev Security Overview .