Configurations and Sync Patterns Tables: Action and Status Information

The following tables describe the action and status information that is displayed in the Configurations table and the Sync Patterns table.

Button Displayed For Description

  •  AccuSync Configurations
  • Synchronization patterns

Runs the Configuration or synchronization pattern.

When the configuration or synchronization pattern is running, the Run button changes to the Stop button.

Note: The Run button is gray by default. For an AccuSync Configuration, the Run button turns blue only after one or more synchronization patterns have been defined for the configuration. (You cannot run a configuration that does not have at least one synchronization pattern defined for it.)

See Running an AccuSync Configuration and Running a Synchronization Pattern for more information.

  • AccuSync Configurations
  • Synchronization patterns

Stops the Configuration or synchronization pattern.

When the configuration or synchronization pattern stops, the Stop button changes to the Run button.

See Stopping Configurations and Synchronization Patterns for more information.

Reload Config Cache
AccuSync Configurations

Reloads the Configuration to recognize changes made to the AccuWork or ITS schema for an existing Configuration.

  • AccuSync Configurations
  • Synchronization Patterns
  • Connections
  • Mapping Definitions
  • Mapping Groups
  • Field Mappings
  • Required field mappings
  • Field mappings

Allows you to edit the selected Configuration or configuration component.

See Making Changes to Configurations for more information.


  • AccuSync Configurations
  • Synchronization patterns

  • Mapping definitions

  • Mapping groups

  • Mapping groups

  • Field mappings

Deletes the selected Configuration or configuration component.

See Making Changes to Configurations for more information.

Status Displayed For Description

Running, no errors.


  • AccuSync Configurations
  • Synchronization patterns

Indicates that the Configuration or synchronization pattern is running with no errors. Clicking the status button displays a page summarizing errors, if any.

See Understanding Synchronization Status for more information.

Stopped, errors

  • AccuSync Configurations

  • Synchronization patterns

For a Configuration, indicates that AccuSync encountered an error in one or more of the synchronization patterns associated with the AccuSync Configuration.

For a synchronization pattern, indicates that a synchronization error occurred.

See Understanding Synchronization Status for more information.