Edit AccuRev Connection Dialog Box

You use the Edit Connection dialog box to make changes to an existing AccuRev connection.


Host The name of the machine hosting the AccuRev Server. localhost, for example.
Port The port used to connect to AccuRev.
Username The name of the AccuSync user. See Create the AccuSync User.
Password The password associated AccuSync user.
AccuRev executable The full path of the AccuRev executable (accurev.exe). This is typically in the \bin directory where you installed AccuRev.
AccuRev depot

The name of the AccuRev depot whose issue records you want to synchronize with your issue tracking system (ITS).

Note: This field appears only after you test the connection.

Tip: When you select a depot, a default value appears in the AccuWork Issue Type Field Name field.

AccuWork issue type field name

AccuWork issue type field name The internal name of the field that displays the issue type (defect, task, and so on) on the AccuWork Issue Edit Form. Unless you have changed the name in the AccuWork schema, the name of this field is type.

Note: This field appears only after you test the connection.

Web interface

The URL for the machine hosting the AccuRev Web Interface. For example: http://localhost:8080/accurev/.

Note: This field appears only after you test the connection.

For more information, see Edit the AccuWork and ITS Connection Settings and Creating the AccuWork and ITS Connections.