Required Field Mappings: Key and Link

In order to synchronize AccuWork data with data in your ITS, AccuSync needs to be able to locate an issue record in one system and match it with (or create it in) the corresponding record in the other system. It does this using unique IDs, keys that identify issue records in each system. Unique IDs are also used to specify URLs, links that allow users of one system to access issues in the other.

Each mapping definition must be associated with key and link field mappings:

  • The key mapping lets you specify the AccuRev and ITS fields that store the unique ID that identifies each issue record.
  • The link mapping lets you specify the AccuRev and ITS fields that store the URL used to access an issue in AccuRev or your ITS.

There are two ways to include required field mappings with each mapping definition:

  • You can create a base mapping definition that includes required key and link field mappings, and use it as the foundation for all other mapping definitions you create. All values defined for a base mapping definition are inherited by any mapping definition that uses it. See Base Mapping Definitions for more information.
  • You can create required key and link field mappings individually for each mapping definition. For example, if you create separate mapping definitions for defects and stories, you could specify the key and link mappings for both defect and story mapping definitions.

Regardless of which approach you choose, you always create required field mappings as part of the mapping definition. An abbreviated description of that process is described here. For more details, see Creating a Mapping Definition.

Other Field Mappings Required for IBM Rational ClearQuest, ALM, and JIRA

In addition to key and link field mappings, you must create additional field mappings to satisfy requirements for valid issue records in IBM Rational ClearQuest, ALM, and JIRA. See Creating a Field Mapping for more information.

See also: