Running the Backup Utility
Note: The location of the Backup command assumes that you accepted the Shortcut Folder default values during installation.
To run the backup utility:
Stop the AccuSync Service.
Start the backup utility
Microsoft Windows Click AccuSync > AccuSync Backup. All Programs >Linux Click the AccuSync_Backup shortcut on your desktop. Console Navigate to the bin directory where you installed AccuSync and run the backup.bat (Microsoft Windows) or (Linux) file. Regardless of how you start the backup utility, AccuSync opens a console that displays a message reminding you to stop the AccuSync Service and the following prompt:
Do you want to back up the default directory or Custom directory ? (Y for Default / N for Custom)
If you type n at the prompt and press Enter.
The backup utility displays the prompt:Enter the Custom backup path:
Type the back up path D:\Test, for example and press Enter the backup utility displays the prompt :
The backup will be made in this location:D\Test
Note: Backing up to a customized location was not possible in earlier releases.
If you type y at the prompt and press Enter.
The backup utility displays the prompt:Enter the name for the backup:
Type a name for the backup and press Enter to continue.
The backup utility creates the backup in the directory you defined in step 2 and step 3.
Restart the AccuSync Service. See AccuSync Service.