Version 2018.1

This section describes what's new and fixes in version 2018.1.

What's new in version 2018.1

Enhancements for this release include:

  • Atlassian Crucible version 4.6.1 is supported.

  • Performance improvements while loading Projects List in Crucible

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Fixes in version 2018.1

1115606- After upgrade unable to add additional content to already existing Code review

In previous release, after upgrading Crucible & Plugin, latest changes were not visible for existing code reviews. This has been fixed in this release.

1115089 - Regression: Crucible Plugin - Number of calls to AccuRev server has increased

In previous release, regression was introduced in which more AccuRev server calls were made. This has been fixed in this release.

1096933 - Merge transactions not displaying default comments

This has been fixed and on the current release it is not appearing.

636550 - Support for latest Crucible version 4.6.1

In this release Crucible version 4.6.1 has been supported.

1114695- Crucible Plugin update for Atlassian Crucible 4.5.3

In this release Crucible version 4.5.3 has been supported.

1106198 - Performance Issues Loading Projects List in Crucible

In previous releases, performance for large data set of transaction was very low. In this release it has been optimized and performance is good.

1099831 - Defunct files not shown when browsing change sets in Crucible

From this release, defunct files will be available under browse change-set option, can be selected for review.

636552 - CAPI debug logs should be enabled in Plugin

From this release CAPI logs would be available & print the AccuRev commands in debug mode.

636554 - Exceptions need to be handled properly, rather throwing it, which leads to crash.

From this release, exceptions are handled more systematic manner, so these would not cause crash during plugin upgrade.

636580 - Explore repositories crashes after loading full history of any element & selecting one from them.

In earlier releases when user tried to load history in explore repository page, a crash was seen. This has been fixed in this release.

636556 - DOC Steps to link Crucible Repository & Project should be described elaborately

Steps have been updated in the document accordingly.

1113215 - DOC - Crucible doc needs updating

Logger section in the document has been updated accordingly.

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