Version 2018.1

1107251 - Provide support for Eclipse Oxygen (4.7.0, 4.7.1)

In this release, the AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse supports Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.x. This version is backward compatible with older Eclipse versions (4.2.2 and higher).

1107521 - Eclipse: On Linux Extra dialog box when running update

In previous releases, when users ran an Update command from the AccuRev context menu, an extra dialog box opened that would not get dismissed automatically. This has been fixed in the current release.

632156 - Update AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse to use Eclipse SDK 4.4

The Eclipse SDK used by the AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse has been updated to 4.4 for better compatibility with the newer Eclipse versions.

632157 - Update plug-in to use JRE8

The JRE used for building AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse has been updated to JRE8.

632158 - Unable to perform Send/Remove issue

In previous releases, when Send/Remove issue was performed, the user was presented with the CPK query results as long as CPK trigger was defined, otherwise an exception was thrown in the logs. This has been fixed. Now, the user will be presented with results from the default query (as long as it is defined), otherwise, an input prompt is shown.

632159 - Enable reading acclient.cnf based on ACCUREV_HOME in conjunction with AccuRev 7.1

AccuRev 7.1 now reads the acclient.cnf file based on the ACCUREV_HOME environment variable or home directory if ACCUREV_HOME is not set. Refer to the AccuRev Installation and Release Notes (Version 7.1) for details.

632161 - No default path in AccuRev Wizard provided while checking out from Stream

Sometimes, the AccuRev project wizard doesn't show the default path for an AccuRev workspace while checking out a project from an AccuRev stream. This is fixed and now the workspace is provided from the AccuRev client property lastSavedWspacePath.

632162 - Terminal windows showing up for each AccuRev operation on Linux

In previous releases, while performing AccuRev operations in Eclipse on Linux like Add, Keep, Promote, and Update, a terminal window would remain visible even after the operation is done. This has been fixed in current release.