IDE Namespace Commands and AccuRev

IntelliJ IDEA provides a method for changing the pathname of a file or directory:

  • To rename an object, right-click it and select Refactor > Rename from the object’s context menu.
  • To move an object to a different directory, right-click it and select Refactor > Move from the object’s context menu.

After either of the above operations completes, the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA automatically runs the AccuRev Rename command to record the pathname change in the repository. As usual, the results are displayed in the AccuRev Console tool window.

If you are not logged in, the IDE’s Refactor command proceeds, but no AccuRev Rename command can be executed. In this case, a warning box appears, explaining that the old name will have (missing) status and the new name will have (external) status.

A similar result occurs if you use the Move command to move an object from one IDE project to another project that is part of the same AccuRev workspace. The object will be moved, but no AccuRev Rename command will be invoked. The object will have (missing) status in the source location and (external) status in the destination location.