Release Notes - Visual Studio plug-in 2017.2

Visual Studio plug-in 2017.2 includes the following enhancements and fixes:

1109337 - Currently AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE does not work with ****** 2017

AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE now supports Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

1110953 (47232) - AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE fails to connect to AccuRev post multiple installation and uninstallation

After AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE is installed and uninstalled multiple times, AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE fails to connect with AccuRev preventing the AccuRev options from appearing in the **** GUI. This issue has been rectified now.

47584 - Implementation of acclient.cnf file related changes

AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE now implements the acclient.cnf changes in the same way as AccuRev implements it.

1106219 (42847) - Installation of AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE failed on x64 bit machine

In previous release, AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE installed on x64 bit machine, looked for AccuRev in a location where x32 bit version of AccuRev generally resides, hence the plug-in failed to detect AccuRev, which caused the installation to fail. With the change in installer type (from .msi to .vsix), this issue has been rectified and the plug-in now looks for AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE in the correct location, which results into successful installation of the AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE.

47406 - AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE implements generation of Error Logs

Error logs are now generated for AccuRev Plug-In for Visual Studio PE error, making trouble shooting easier.