This readme provides information about how to install the Mercury Tours application in Windows systems.


Follow the steps below to install the application. You can install it in your local machine or the server.

  1. Prerequisite: Prepare JRE environment.

    Download Java from and configure the Java environment variables. It's recommended that you use JRE 1.8 and later versions.

    Make sure the system variable name is JAVA_HOME.

  2. Download the app from Marketplace:

  3. Extract the downloaded package.

  4. Configure the application port number.

    Make sure the port numbers you defined for the following parameters are not occupied by other installed applications.

    If you don't set these port numbers, the default port number 8080 will be assigned to them. If 8080 is detected to be occupied by other applications, the installation will fail. You should set other port numbers for them.

    1. Open the {mtours_installation_windows_package}\jetty_mtours_service.bat file. Set the following parameters to define the jetty start port.


    2. Open the {mtours_installation_windows_package}\hsqldb\hsql_db_mtours_service.bat file. Set the following parameter to define the hsql start port and address for MToursHsqlDBService.

      1. HSQL_DB_PORT

  5. Open your Command Prompt dialogue and run the following command:

    {mtours_installation_windows_package}\mtours_service.bat install

Open Mercury Tours web site

After successfully installing the Mercury Tours application in your local machine or the server, you can open the Mercury Tours web site in your browser.

<server IP> is the IP address of the server where the application has been installed.

<port number> is the port number you set to JETTY_HTTP_PORT in Configure the application port number..


To uninstall the application, open your Command Prompt dialogue and run the following command:

{mtours_installation_windows_package}\mtours_service.bat uninstall