The fields resource returns metadata about the data returned for a member of a collection.
/qcbin/api/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/projects/PROJECT_NAME/{collection name}/$metadata/fields
General Data on the Field
Name | Comments |
type | Generally the literal, "field", as in the attribute–value pair: "type":"field". In addition to this general type, the return data also contains a type object ( "type":{...} ). This object refers to the values. See below. |
name | The logical name of the field. This is the name used by this API in all contexts. |
label | The display label for the field. |
Input Validation
The validations are in array: "input-validations":[...],
Name | Comments |
Format | The Format value is the mask for the required format. |
Not Null | This is a required field. |
Maximum length | The maximum length is the value of the Maximum length object. For example: {"name": "Maximum length", "value": 1} |
Reference Match | The field value is validated against a required format, or the value must refer to an existing item in the project. For example, a date value must be a valid date-string, an ID must reference an existing instance, or a string must be a member of a project list. See details of the Reference object under Data Type, below. |
Output Validation
The validations are in array: "output-validations":[...],
Name | Comments |
Sanitization | The value is either Text or HTML. See Sanitizing Output |
Data type
The data types are in object: "type":{...}
Name | Comments |
Date | The date format is ISO-8601. |
Float | float |
Integer | integer |
Memo | A formatted ALM type. |
Reference | A Reference is an identifier of a member of a collection. The referenced item can be a member of a list or a resource. Member of List "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false "target": { "type": "list-items", "parent-id": 270 }, } Instance "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "releases" } } |
Reference by Value | A Reference by Value is an identifier of a member of a collection. The value of this field matches the value of the referenced item. The referenced item can be a member of a list or a resource instance. Member of List "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 1 } } } Value of Another Instance "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "defects", "field": "summary", } } |
String | string |
Metadata is read-only.
Header Parameters
- See Standard Headers
**** Request *** GET /qcbin/api/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/projects/PROJECT_NAME/defects/$metadata/fields HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json, */* Accept-Language: en-US Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Host: myserver:8080 Cookie: JSESSIONID=01234567890; JSESSIONID=01234567890; LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=01234567890; ALM_USER=01234567890; XSRF-TOKEN=01234567890 *** Response ***** HTTP/1.1 200 OK Set-Cookie: LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=01234567890;Path=/;HTTPOnly Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0 Pragma: no-cache Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 10:23:23 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent Content-Length: 1148 Server: Jetty(9.1.3.v20140225) { "data": [{ "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 5 }], "name": "actual-fix-time", "label": "Actual Fix Time", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "attachment", "label": "Attachment", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "id", "label": "Defect ID", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "ver-stamp", "label": "Version Stamp", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "closing-date", "label": "Closing Date", "type": { "name": "Date" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "closing-version", "label": "Closed in Version", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 35 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "cycle-id", "label": "Cycle ID", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 255 }], "name": "cycle-reference", "label": "TestSet Reference", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "name": "description", "label": "Description", "type": { "name": "Memo" }, "output-validations": [{ "name": "Sanitization", "value": "HTML" }] }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Not Null" }, { "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 60 }], "name": "detected-by", "label": "Detected By", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "user" } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Not Null" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "creation-time", "label": "Detected on Date", "type": { "name": "Date" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "detection-version", "label": "Detected in Version", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 35 } } } }, { "type": "field", "name": "dev-comments", "label": "Comments", "type": { "name": "Memo" }, "output-validations": [{ "name": "Sanitization", "value": "HTML" }] }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 5 }], "name": "estimated-fix-time", "label": "Estimated Fix Time", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 50 }], "name": "extended-reference", "label": "Extended Reference", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 50 }], "name": "has-change", "label": "Has Change", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "planned-closing-ver", "label": "Planned Closing Version", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 35 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "priority", "label": "Priority", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 260 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "project", "label": "Project", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 266 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "reproducible", "label": "Reproducible", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 1 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "request-id", "label": "PPM Request Id", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "name": "request-note", "label": "PPM Request Note", "type": { "name": "Memo" }, "output-validations": [{ "name": "Sanitization", "value": "HTML" }] }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 120 }], "name": "request-server", "label": "PPM Server URL", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 120 }], "name": "request-type", "label": "PPM Request Type", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 60 }], "name": "owner", "label": "Assigned To", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "user" } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "run-reference", "label": "Run Reference", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Not Null" }, { "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "severity", "label": "Severity", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 287 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 70 }], "name": "status", "label": "Status", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 222 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "step-reference", "label": "Step Reference", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Reference Match" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "subject", "label": "Subject", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 2 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Not Null" }, { "name": "Maximum length", "value": 255 }], "name": "name", "label": "Summary", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 10 }], "name": "test-reference", "label": "Test Reference", "type": { "name": "Integer" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "to-mail", "label": "To Mail", "type": { "name": "Reference By Value", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "list-item", "field": "name", "parent": { "type": "list-item", "id": 1 } } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 20 }], "name": "last-modified", "label": "Modified", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "name": "detected-in-rel", "label": "Detected in Release", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "releases" } } }, { "type": "field", "name": "detected-in-rcyc", "label": "Detected in Cycle", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "release_cycles" } } }, { "type": "field", "name": "target-rel", "label": "Target Release", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "releases" } } }, { "type": "field", "name": "target-rcyc", "label": "Target Cycle", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "release_cycles" } } }, { "type": "field", "name": "environment", "label": "Detected on Environment", "type": { "name": "Reference", "multiple": false, "source": { "type": "environments" } } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "has-linkage", "label": "Has linkage", "type": { "name": "String" } }, { "type": "field", "input-validations": [{ "name": "Maximum length", "value": 1 }], "name": "has-others-linkage", "label": "Has linkage to others", "type": { "name": "String" } }] }