Output Sanitization Whitelist

To specify which tags, attributes, and protocols are returned as-is when using HTML sanitization, create a custom whitelist file named sanitizer-whitelist.xml. Place the file in directory: 

%ALM_INSTALL_DIR%/Micro Focus/ALM/webapps/qcbin/WEB-INF/classes/
The default paths are:

  • Windows platforms -  C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\ALM\webapps\qcbin\WEB-INF\classes\
  • Linux platforms - /var/opt/Micro Focus/ALM/webapps/qcbin/WEB-INF/classes/

The whitelist takes effect when the service is restarted.

In a cluster environment, put the whitelist on each node.

The whitelist contains three collections.

  • The tags collection contains the tags that are returned unchanged. The contents of the element for a tag may change if there are attributes or protocols that are not themselves whitelisted.
  • The attributes collection contains lists of the attributes allowed for each specified tag.
  • The protocols collection contains lists of the protocols allowed for each specified tag-attribute pair.
See Also