Private Sub ProjectProperties() ' Print project properties Dim pProps As ProjectProperties Dim theName$ Dim i% ' Get the collection of project properties. 'tdc is the global TDConnection object. Set pProps = tdc.ProjectProperties ' The index is zero-based, so the loop is 0 to count - 1. For i = 0 To pProps.Count - 1 theName = pProps.paramName(i) Debug.Print CStr(i) ' Get the name and value by index. Debug.Print pProps.paramName(i), pProps.ParamValue(i) ' Get the value by parameter name. Debug.Print theName, pProps.ParamValue(theName) Debug.Print "--------------------------" Next i ' Check if parameters exist. 'This should be true. The name is the last parameter 'from the above loop. Debug.Print "Parameter " & theName & " exists = "; _ pProps.IsParam(theName) Debug.Print "--------------------------" 'This should be false unless your system manager ' likes Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. theName = theName & "_SlithyToves" Debug.Print "Parameter " & theName & " exists = "; _ pProps.IsParam(theName) End Sub