Get license descriptions
Private Sub ShowLicenses()
' Get license descriptions

    Dim Licenses As String
    Dim idx As Integer

'Set up arrays of constant values and descriptors.
tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals = Array( _
                TDLICENSE_BUG, _
                TDLICENSE_LAB, _
                TDLICENSE_REQ, _
                TDLICENSE_COLLAB, _
                TDLICENSE_DASHBOARD, _
tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Str = Array( _
                "TDLICENSE_BUG", _
                "TDLICENSE_LAB", _
                "TDLICENSE_REQ", _
                "TDLICENSE_COLLAB", _
                "TDLICENSE_DASHBOARD", _
    For idx = LBound(tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals) To UBound(tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals)
        Debug.Print tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Str(idx); _
            tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals(idx); _
            "(" & toBin(tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals(idx)) & ")"

' Get licenses
        'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
        tdc.GetLicenses tagTDLICENSE_CLIENT_Vals(idx), Licenses
        Debug.Print Licenses
    Next idx
'The structure of the output is:
'Debug information:
' <The license type> <license code> <license code in hexidecimal>
'The output of the GetLicenses call:
' { MUID: "{The machine ID}",
'  <license Code>:"<error code>,<error string>:
'  MUID [{<The machine ID>}] Client Type[<License Code>]",....}
'The output from this procedure on a sample site is:
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   1:"0,License Approved:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [1]"
'   }
'   TDLICENSE_LAB 2 (10)
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   2:"0,License Approved:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [2]"
'   }
'   TDLICENSE_REQ 4 (100)
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   3:"0,License Approved:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [3]"
'   }
'   TDLICENSE_COLLAB 32 (100000)
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   6:"1056,License Denied:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [6]"
'   }
'   TDLICENSE_DASHBOARD 2048 (100000000000)
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   12:"0,License Approved:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [12]"
'   }
'   TDLICENSE_COMPONENTS 4096 (1000000000000)
'   {
'   MUID:"{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}",
'   13:"0,License Approved:  MUID [{1BCEF8E4-FD5E-4577-9D3E-A5F43C397FB9}] Client Type [13]"
'   }End Sub
End Sub