ICoverableReq2 Interface
Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity.
Get a reference from a Req object.
Public Methods
Public Method AddConfigurationsToCoverageAdds a list of test configurations to the coverage.
Public Method AddCriteriaToCoverageAdds a list of test criteria to the coverage.
Public Method AddSubjectToCoverageAdds the tests from the specified subject that match the input filter to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestInstanceToCoverageAdds the test instance to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestsFromTestSetToCoverageAdds the test instances from the specified test set that match the input filter to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestToCoverageAdds the test to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
Public Properties
Public Property RequirementCoverageFactoryGet Requirement Coverage Factory.
See Also