A ReqCoverageFactory manages CoverageEntity Objects.
The reference to a ReqCoverageFactory for a specific requirement is the ICoverableReq.RequirementCoverageFactory Property of the ICoverableReq Implemented Interface of the Req object.
Implemented Interface | Description |
IBaseFactory2 | Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects. |
IReqCoverageInformation2 | Services for managing requirement coverage information. |
AddItem | Creates a new item object. |
NewList | Creates a list of objects according to the specified filter. |
RemoveItem | Removes item from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post. |
ResetCyclesContext | Resets cycle context. |
SetCyclesContext | Sets cycle context for the ReqCoverageFactory to be used in NewList. |
FetchLevel | The Fetch level for a field. |
Fields | The list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory. |
Filter | The TDFilter object for the factory. |
FullCoverage | Indicates if the actions of the factory are applied recursively to requirement's children. |
GroupingManager | The GroupingManager for this factory. |
GroupingSupported | Check whether the factory supports grouping. |
History | The History object for this entity. |
Item | Gets an object managed by the factory by its key. |