Step 3: Deploy SSO Components

Prerequisite: you already complete Step 2: Configure IdP - alm.

This step is to deploy the SSO components in the ALM server.

Note: After completing this step, you should be able to load the ALM SP metadata in http(s)://{server}:{port}/osp/a/alm/auth/saml2/sp-metadata. If you fail to load the SP metadata, see FAQ for details.

How to deploy the SSO components

Run the following script as administrator. If ALM is in a cluster environment, run the script in each node.

  • Windows: {ALM Installation Directory}\ALM\run_osp_deploy.bat
  • Linux: {ALM Installation Directory}\

You will be asked to restart ALM service during deployment. Stop the ALM service to continue the deployment process and restart the ALM Service after successful deployment. If you do not stop ALM Service, the process is aborted.

When you should re-deploy the SSO components

If you do any of the following after deploying the SSO components, you should re-deploy the SSO components:


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