Sending Messages to Connected Users

You can send messages to users connected to your ALM projects. This enables you to routinely inform connected users about important maintenance activities. For example, disconnecting a project, or restarting an ALM server.

When you send a message, a pop-up window automatically opens on the user's machine displaying the message text. The message box is displayed until the user closes it or disconnects from ALM. For details, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: How to View Administrator Messages.

To send messages to connected users:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Site Connections tab.

  2. Select the users to whom you want to send a message:

    • To send a message to a user or group of users, select the row of the user or group.

    • To send a message to multiple users, use Ctrl or Shift to highlight users to include.

  3. Click the Send Message button. The Send Message dialog box opens.

    The To box displays the intended recipients of the message in the format [DOMAIN:Project Name:User Name].



  4. In the Message Text box, type a message.

  5. Click Send. ALM sends the message to user machines within five minutes.