User Auditing

This section describes which user related operations are logged and where the log file is stored.

Which user related operations are logged

ALM logs the following user operations:

  • Creating or deleting user
  • Editing user details
  • Adding users to projects
  • Removing users from projects
  • Adding and removing admin permission
  • Deactivating and activating users
  • Adding users to user groups
  • Ending user's project sessions
  • Ending user sessions
  • Creating or deleting user groups
  • Changing user password
  • Authenticating login username and password
  • API Key creation failures

Where log file is stored

By default, the logs are written into the AUDIT_LOG file which is stored in the {ALM_deployment_folder}\log directory.

You can use the AUDIT_LOG_PATH parameter to specify a different location for the log file. In the new location, the log file is renamed AUDIT_LOG_<machine_name>. For details about setting site parameter, see Setting ALM Configuration Parameters.