Step 5: Map IdP Users with ALM Users

Prerequisite: you already complete Step 4: Register ALM as SP in IdP.

This step is to map IdP users with ALM users.

How users are mapped

IdP users are mapped to ALM users by two ALM user attributes: Identity Provider Name and Identity Key.

ALM attribute Mapped to IdP attribute
Identity Provider Name The IdP name that is configured in the ALM SSO Configuration Tool, such as the default IdP "alm".
Identity Key The IdP user attribute that can uniquely identify an IdP user. For example, username, user ID, and user email.

How to map users

You can map IdP users to ALM users individually or in batches. The first IdP user to be mapped should be an Site Administrator user.

Method Details
Map users individually

You can use this method only after SSO is enabled.

To map an IdP user with an ALM user,

  1. Open the user details of the ALM user from Site Administration > Site Users tab.
  2. Update the attributes: Identity Provider Name and Identity Key with the corresponding user information of the IdP user.

For details, see Updating User Details.

Map users in batches by using Site Administration REST API

You can use this method regardless of whether SSO is enabled.

Set the attributes: idp-name and identity-key for the site users.

For details, see Site Administration REST API Reference: Site Users > Update a site user.

Map users in batches by importing users to ALM

You can use this method regardless of whether SSO is enabled.

When mapping fields during uploading a CSV file, make sure the ALM fields: Identity Provider Name and Identity Key are mapped to the corresponding IdP fields.

For details, see Importing Users from CSV File.

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