Test/Flow Parameters Promotion Status Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to view parameters and how the parameters became available to the business process test or flow (definition or promotion).

To access

In the Test Plan module > Test Plan tree, select a business process test or flow, and click the Test Script tab. Click Show Test Parameters Promotion Status .

Important information

The title bar, structure and fields of the dialog box change depending on the object that was selected in the Test Plan Module: flow or business process test.

Relevant tasks

How to Promote Parameters

See also

Parameter Promotion Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Output Parameters tab

Displays the output parameters defined for the flow.

Available from: The Flow Parameters Promotion Status dialog box

Input Parameters tab Displays the input parameters defined for either the flow or the business process test.
Test / Flow Parameter Name Name of the parameter defined for the business process test or flow.
Component Output Parameter Name

The name of the corresponding output parameter as defined in the business component.

If the flow parameter was created manually (that is, not promoted from a business component), this value appears as N/A (not applicable).

Available from: The Output Parameters tab of the Flow Parameters Promotion Status dialog box.

Component Name

Name of the component from which the output parameter was promoted.

If the flow parameter was created manually (that is, not promoted from a business component), this value appears as N/A (not applicable).

Available from: The Output Parameters tab of the Flow Parameters Promotion Status dialog box.

Used By Components

Name of the component or flow from which the input parameter was promoted.

If the parameter was created manually (that is, not promoted), this value appears as N/A (not applicable).

Available from: The Input Parameters tab of the Flow Parameters Promotion Status dialog box, and the Test Parameters Promotion Status dialog box.