Connected Users Page

This page enables you to view the users currently connected to the project, send them instant messages, and disconnect them.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


<common UI elements> For details on the Tools menu, Help menu, and sidebar, see SaaS Common Areas.
Opens the Confirm Disconnection dialog box. Click OK to disconnect the selected users.
Opens the Send Message dialog box, enabling you to send a message to the user. Type a message and click Send. The message appears as a popup on the ALM screen.
Refreshes the screen.
Opens the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box, enabling you to select a domain, or a specific project within the domain, from the list of domains where users are currently connected. Click Send Message. The Send Message dialog box opens, enabling you to send a message. The message appears as a popup on the ALM screen of all users associated with the selected domain/project.
Opens the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box, enabling you to select a domain, or a specific project within the domain, from the list of domains where users are currently connected. Click Disconnect to disconnect the selected user from the project/domain.

Start Filter. Filters according to the request in the field.

Available from: Domain Name, Project Name, User Name, Host, and Client Type.

Filter By. Opens the Filter by <column name> dialog box, enabling you to filter users by:

  • Typing user login names/full names/email addresses.
  • Typing part of user names to search for specific users, and using * as a wild card.

Available from: Domain Name, Project Name, User Name, Host, and Client Type

Domain Name The domain of the project the connected user is associated with.
Project Name The project the connected user is associated with.
User Name The user name of the connected user.
Host The name of the current host computer of the connected user.
Login Time The time of the login of the connected user.
Last Action The time of the last action of the connected user.
Client Type The client type of the connected user.