Data Resource Settings Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to: 

  • Define a subset of the parameter values (an iteration range) to use for running the test when working with configurations that access dynamic data.
  • Map test parameter names to alternate data resource parameter names when overriding the default data resource associated with the test.
To access From the Test Configurations tab in the Test Plan module, select the dynamic configuration whose data you want to filter. Click the Data tab near the bottom of the window, and then click Data Resource Settings.
Important information
  • You can filter the parameter values by specifying filter conditions and specific rows. Only values that match both the filter condition and the specified rows are processed.
  • When mapping test parameter names to alternate data resource parameter names, for each parameter listed in the Test Parameter Name column, click the cell in the Resource Parameter Name column and type the name of the corresponding resource parameter from the Microsoft Excel file.
Relevant tasks How to Associate Dynamic Data
See also Test Configuration Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Business Process Testing: Automatically maps each non-mapped test parameter to a parameter (column heading with the same name) in the external data table resource.

For automatic mapping, the column heading in the external data table resource must match the test parameter name.

The mapping is not case-sensitive.

The order of the parameters in the external data table resource does not have to match the order of the parameters in the test.

Note: If a parameter has already been mapped, the automap operation does not reset the mapping.

Business Process Testing

Filtered Resource Preview. Opens the Data Viewer for the test resource. This enables you to see the dynamic data in the external data resource that match filter criteria (meaning, the data that will be used when the test configuration runs).

Filter. Name of the filter.

Row Filter. All rows or selected rows.

Show mapped columns only. If selected, only data that is mapped to test parameters are displayed.

<headings>. Column headings for the grid that also display the parameter mappings.

<grid>. Rows of data that match the filter criteria.

Test Parameter Name Name of the test parameter as defined in the test.
Resource Parameter Name

Name of the test parameter as defined in the data resource.

Note: For an API test, type the parameter name in this format: <sheet_name>.<column_name>.

Mapping Status

Business Process Testing: Status indicating if the test parameter is mapped to a parameter (column) in the external data table resource.

  • Not Assigned. The test parameter is not associated with an external data table resource parameter.
  • Assigned. The test parameter is associated with an external data table resource parameter.
Filter Condition

Condition for filtering out rows of data in the data resource. The test will not run on the filtered out rows of data.

Specify a filter according to the following guidelines:

  • Only strings can be specified.

  • Do not specify quotation marks or operators.

  • Only one value can be specified.

  • The filter is case-sensitive.
All Rows To process all rows that meet the specified filter condition, if one exists, in the data resource file, select All Rows.
Rows To indicate a subset of rows, select Rows and enter the row numbers, separated by commas. A range of rows can be specified with a hyphen (for example, 3-5 means rows 3, 4, and 5 are processed).