Set Defect Entities

You can define different defect forms for different scenarios. When users submit defects from Web Runner, the corresponding forms will apply.

Note: Available to users with the Customize Web Runner permission. Users assigned to the TDAdmin or Project Manager user group can set defect entities by default.

Add and manage defect forms

In a defect form, you set which fields to display and which fields are required when users submit defects.

  1. Prerequisite: Customize your project entities through ALM.

    Open ALM. In the Project Customization window, in the left pane, click Project Entities. Customize the relevant entities. For details, see Customizing Project Entities.

  2. Open the Defect Settings page in Web Runner.

    Select the Web Runner Menu on the top-right corner of the screen and select Entity Settings > Defect.

  3. Add and manage defect forms.

    Note: If you do not add any form, when users submit defects, the fields to display are the required fields customized in ALM.

    1. Click to add a form. Give the form a name and click Add.

      • By default, the form has all the fields required by your project, which is customized through ALM.
      • You can add up to 10 forms.
    2. Configure the form.

      UI Element


      Cancels the setting of the current form as the default form.

      Sets the current form as the default form. The default form applies when there are no defect rules or when none of the existing rules fit in a certain scenario.

      • Web Runner automatically sets the first form you add as the default form.
      • When you set another form as the default form, the form previously set as default will be automatically set as non-default.

      The default form, with the indicator , is on the top of the form list.

      Saves your configuration changes of the current form.
      Saves the current form as a new form.
      Rolls back to the last saved state.
      Deletes the current form.
      Moves the selected field up or down in the order.

      Enables you to set which fields a user can see and which should be hidden.

      Note: Required fields that don't have default values cannot be hidden

      Removes a selected field.

      You cannot remove required fields.

      Opens the Add Fields for Selection pane, enabling you to add fields to the defect form.
      Field Name The field name.
      Visible Indicates whether the field is visible.

      Indicates whether the field is required.

      You cannot change this column for the fields that are customized to be required in ALM.

      Default Value Indicates the default value of the field.
      Assigned List Indicates whether the field is assigned to a list.
      Application Rule

      Indicates whether the setting of this field is enforced or recommended.

      • Enforced. This field must be set and cannot be changed in all linked projects.

      • Recommended. This field can be changed in all linked projects.


      • Available in template projects.
      • In template projects, if this field is used in an active rule, the Application Rule column is set to Enforced and cannot be changed.

      To apply Application Rule you must also select Ready to Apply.

      For more details on applying template customization to multiple projects, see Apply Template Customization.

      Ready to Apply

      When selected, it indicates that setting of this field will be applied to all linked projects after selecting the Apply Template option.


      • Available in template projects.
      • In template projects, if this field is used in an active rule, the Ready to Apply column is selected and cannot be cleared.

      For more details on applying template customization to multiple projects, see Apply Template Customization.

      Lists hidden fields.

      To move a field from the Not Visible pane, select it and then select Visible .

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Add and manage defect rules

Defect rules control which form will be used under a certain scenario.

Add defect rules

  1. Open the Defect Settings page in Web Runner, and go to the Rules tab.

  2. Click to open the Add Rule window.

  3. Define the rule as follows and click Add.

    Field Description
    Active Whether or not to activate the rule.
    Use Form

    Select which form will apply under the scenarios covered by this rule.

    You define rule scenarios by either Timing only or the combination of both Timing and Condition.


    Select under which event or events will the selected form apply. You can add a rule for any of the following timing.

    When users open the Add Defect window to create defects in Web Runner, the window is displayed in the selected form.
    When users fill a specific field with any of the values as specified in the Condition of the rule, the Add Defect window changes to the selected form.

    If you do not specify Condition, when users open submitted defects in Web Runner, the defect window is displayed in the selected form.

    If you specify Condition, when users open submitted defects that contain the field with any of the values as specified in Condition, the defect window is displayed in the selected form.

    When users change the value of a specific field to any of the values as specified in the Condition of the rule, the defect window changes to the selected form.

    Specify the defect fields condition. Works together with Timing.

    Condition is displayed in the format: <Field> = <value> <value> <value>. You can specify one or more values for a field.

    Fields available for selection are single-select lookup list type fields that require value verification.

  4. Click Add.

Reorder rules

The order in which the rules appear in the rule list determines which rule prevails under a certain scenario. ALM runs all the existing rules in the order and picks up the form specified in the last rule that fits in the scenario. Later rules override earlier rules.

To reorder a rule:

  1. Click the Reorder button () to expand the actions toolbar.
  2. Click the rule line to highlight it, and click the Up or Down button until you move it to the target line.

    Note that when multiple rules fit in a certain scenario, later rules have higher priorities.

  3. Click the Reorder button to save your changes.

Edit, activate, deactivate, and delete rules

You can edit a rule's details, activate or deactivate a rule, delete a rule, and change the rule order.

  • To edit the details of a rule, click the rule ID link to open the rule.
  • To activate or deactivate a rule, do either of the following.

    • Select the rule, and click the Activate or Deactivate button.
    • Click the toggle in the Active column.
  • To delete a rule, select the rule, and click the Delete Rule button.

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