Generate Report Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to generate a report for analyzing the testing strategy for the analysis requirement and for the assessment requirements under it.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • In the Requirements module, select the Requirement Details view. Select an analysis requirement and click the Risk Analysis tab. Click the Report button.

  • In the Requirements module, right-click an analysis requirement and select Requirement Details. The Requirement Details dialog box opens. Click the Risk Analysis button. Click the Report button.

Important information
  • To generate a report, you must first save the analysis and apply it to all assessment requirements under the analysis requirement. For details, see Risk Analysis Tab.

  • To generate a report, Microsoft Word must be installed on your machine.

  • The analysis results are only valid for the requirements at the time the analysis was last performed. If you subsequently modify the Risk or Functional Complexity Categories of the requirements, or the testing policy, you should re-perform the analysis.

Relevant tasks

How to Assess Risk

See also

Risk Analysis Tab

Risk-Based Quality Management Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


Default location

The location and name of the Microsoft Word file to which you want the data to be exported. You can click the browse button to select a location from the Save As dialog box.

Add report as an attachment

Adds the report as an attachment to the analysis requirement.

Include list of requirements in the report

Includes a list of the requirements in the report.

Generates the report as a Microsoft Word document.