Run tests

When you run tests, the run status is automatically synchronized with ALM. After ending the test run, the test status is automatically synchronized with ALM.

Start manual test run

To start a manual test run:

  1. Select a test set.

    1. On the Test Lab tab, select a test set folder. The available test sets are displayed.

      To locate a test set by ID, select Search Test Set by ID located in the upper-right corner of the window and enter a test set ID.

    2. Click a test set . The associated manual test instances are displayed.
  1. Start a test run.

    1. You can use the filter options at the top of the Test Sets tab to filter according to the test instance status.
    1. Select a test instance and choose one of the following options:

      Run. Starts a new test run.

      Continue Run. Resumes the previous test run.
  1. Run the test steps.

    1. Select a run view. To display the steps in the Grid View, select . To display the steps in the Details View, select .

    2. Select a step row.
    3. Follow the instructions provided in the test step description.
    4. Compare the actual result with the expected result.
    5. To associate attachments to a step:

      Grid View
      • Add an attachment. Under Actions, select Add Attachment to Step .
      • Delete an attachment. Select next to the Status column. The associated attachments are displayed. Select the icon of the attachment and then select .
      Details View
      • Add an attachment. On the right side of the window, select Add Attachment to Step .
      • Delete an attachment. Under the Expected Results section, select and then select .
    6. Select the relevant step status. Options include:

      Passed The step was successful.
      Failed The step failed.
      Blocked The step cannot run. For example, you are unable to perform the step due to an environmental failure, such as network problems or hardware failure.
      N/A The current status of the step is not applicable.
      Not Completed The step was not completed.
      No Run The step has not been run.
      Customized Status A user-defined step status.
    7. Select the Actual Results text area and enter text that describes the actual step result.

    8. When an expected step result and an actual step result don't match with each other, you can submit a defect for the step.

      Grid View Under Actions, select Add Defect to Step .
      Details View On the right side of the window, select Add Defect to Step .

      In the Add Defect to Step dialog box, fill in details as necessary. For more information on submitting defects, see Manage defects.

    9. Continue with the next steps.

      To move to the next step, use the down arrow "↓" shortcut key. To move to the previous step, use the up arrow "↑" shortcut key.

  1. End a test run.

    Select the relevant option. Options include:

    Changes the run status directly to the selected status.

    Ends a test run.

    Cancels a test run.

    Ends the current test run and starts running the next test listed in your test set.

    Ends the current test run and starts running the previous test listed in your test set.

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Start automation test run

Following the steps below to start an automation test run:

  1. Before you run automation tests - performed by admin
  2. Start an automation test run

Before you run automation tests - performed by admin

If you want users to run automation tests from Web Runner, you should download and configure the ALM Test Execution Agent tool.

  1. Click the Tools link in the ALM Options window to open the ALM Tools page.
  2. Click the ALM Test Execution Agent link. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and configure the tool.

    The tool automatically runs after you complete the configuration.

  3. (Optional) If you want to change the configuration of the tool after it runs, edit the agent.conf file.
  4. (Required for https requests only) Run the following command to import the certificate into Java.

    keytool -import -keystore "{Java_home}\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -alias <file_alias> -file <file_name>

Start an automation test run

  1. Select a test set
    1. On the Test Lab tab, select a test set folder. The available test sets are displayed.

      To locate a test set by ID, select Search Test Set by ID located in the upper-right corner of the window and enter a test set ID.

    2. Click a test set . The associated automation test instances are displayed.
  1. Start a test run

    1. You can use the filter options at the top of the Test Sets tab to filter according to the test instance status.
    1. Select a test instance and click the Run button .

      If you want to run all automation tests in a single test run, click the Run All Automation Tests button.

  1. End a test run

    The test run ends automatically and the run status will be updated. You can click the status link to open the test run in ALM.

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Keyboard shortcuts

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts available for running tests.

Ctrl+Alt+P Sets step status to Passed.
Ctrl+Alt+F Sets step status to Failed.
Ctrl+Alt+S Stops a test step run.
Ctrl+Alt+C Cancels a test step run.
Ctrl+Alt+V Switches between Table and Grid views.
Down arrow Proceeds to the next test step.
Up arrow Returns to the previous test step.

Opens the Actual Results text area in the Grid View.

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