Create KPI cards in Executive Dashboard (tech preview)

This section describes how to create and manage KPI cards in Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard, so as to measure how your team or organization is progressing towards the business objectives.

If you upgrade Quality Insight to a later version, KPI cards data of the previous version is not kept.

In this topic:


Prepare the following before using KPI cards.

Install and enable Quality Insight

For details, see Install and configure Quality Insight.

Recommended browser and resolution

Browser: Google Chrome

Resolution: 1680x1050

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Overview of KPI cards

In Executive Dashboard, a KPI card is a lightweight and visual presentation of a measurement.

You can create two kinds of cards:

Quantity cards

Show the count or amount of your business metrics. For example, Critical defects fixed in release 16.0, and Active defects pending on fixing.

Percentage cards Show the ratio of your business metrics. For example, % of critical defects of all active defects, and ratio of fixed defects of all active defects.

The following information is displayed on each card:

Card title The title explains what this card measures, that is a specific KPI. It is displayed in the top middle of the card.
Number The number shows the result of the KPI. It is displayed in the center of the card. By default, it is in blue. If a custom indicator is set for the card, and the indicator defines different colors for numbers of different ranges, the number is highlighted in the color as specified by the indicator settings.
Project name The target project that the card measures. It is displayed in the bottom right corner of the card.

By default, no tag is attached to the card. If a custom indicator is set for the card, and the indicator defines different tags for numbers of different ranges, a corresponding tag is added to the bottom left corner of the card.

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Add a sample card

You can add a sample card to understand how to create a KPI card. This facilitates the creation of your custom KPI cards.

To add a sample card:

  1. Open Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard. Click Edit Mode to enter the edit mode.

  2. Click the down arrow next to Add Card, and select Add from Sample.

  3. In the Add from Sample window, select the domain and project you want to measure, and select the entity type for the sample card.

    Sample cards vary according to the entity type you selected.

  4. Select a sample card and click Next.

    The Add Card page opens. Except for the Name field, all the other fields are auto-filled based on your selected project and sample filter.

  5. In the Name field, give the sample card a name.

  6. Click Save. The sample card is created.

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Add quantity cards

Add quantity cards to show the count or amount of your business metrics.

To add a quantity card:

  1. Open Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard. Click Edit Mode to enter the edit mode.

  2. Click Add Card.

  3. Specify the following for the card.

    Field Description

    Toggles on or off the visibility of this card.

    If you toggle off the visibility, this card is only displayed in the Invisible tab in Edit mode.

    If you toggle on the visibility, this card is displayed in both View and Edit modes. In Edit mode, it is listed in the Visible tab.

    For example, if a quantity card is created to serve as the numerator of a percentage card, you can disable its visibility to put it in the Invisible tab.

    Name Give a unique name for the card to describe what this card measures.

    Select a domain where your project is located.


    Select the project whose data you want to measure.

    Projects available for selections meet the following requirements:

    • Have Quality Insight enabled.

    • You have the view permission.

    Entity Type

    Select an entity type, Defect, Requirement, or Test Instance.


    Select an indicator whose settings you want to apply to the card.

    If you select default, the number in your card is always displayed in blue, and no tag is added to the card.

    For details about indicator settings, see Define indicators.

    Aggregation Method

    Select one of the following options:

    • Count. Counts the number of entities.

    • Sum. Sums up the values of a specified field for all the entities. If you select this option, specify the field whose value you want to sum up.


    Click Edit filter to define filters for the project data.

    For details, see Filter dialog box (for Web Runner and Quality Insight).

    Include historical data

    ALM tracks entity changes in the audit table: who made the change, what was changed, what was the change, and when the change happened. If you want to measure your project progress by tracking its changes, enable the Include historical data option.

    For example, you may want to know the number of defects assigned to your team during the past month, or the number of defects fixed within this week.

    • Changer. Select who made the change.

    • Field. Select the field that was changed.

    • Changed from. Select the old value the field was changed from.

    • Changed to. Select the new value the field was changed to.

    • Change Date. Select when the change happened.


    If you want to create a card to measure the number of defects fixed this week, here is what you do:

    1. Enable Include historical data.

    2. In the Field field, select Status. In the Changed to field, select Fixed. In the Change Date field, select This Week.

    If you want to create a card to measure the number of defects transferred from Team A to your team during the past month, here is what you do:

    1. Enable Include historical data.

    2. In the Field field, select Assigned To. In the Changed from field, select Team A. In the Changed to field, select your team. In the Change Date field, select Previous Month.

  4. Click Save to add the card, or Cancel to discard it.

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Add percentage cards

Add percentage cards to show the ratio of your business metrics.

To add a percentage card:

  1. Open Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard. Click Edit Mode to enter the edit mode.

  2. Click the down arrow next to Add Card, and select Add Percentage.

  3. Specify the following settings for the card.

    Field Description

    Toggles on or off the visibility of this card.

    If you toggle off the visibility, this card is only displayed in the Invisible tab in Edit mode.

    If you toggle on the visibility, this card is displayed in both View and Edit modes. In Edit mode, it is listed in the Visible tab.

    Name Give a unique name for the card to describe what this card measures.

    Select the quantity card whose number serves as the numerator.

    Note: The numerator card and denominator card can be for different entity types. For example, you can create a percentage card to show the ratio of defects and requirements.


    Select the quantity card whose number serves as the denominator.

    Note: The numerator card and denominator card can be for different entity types. For example, you can create a percentage card to show the ratio of defects and requirements.

    Show Decimals Whether or not to show decimals for the percentage.

    Select an indicator whose settings you want to apply to the card.

    If you select default, the number in your card is always displayed in blue, and no tag is added to the card.

    For details about indicator settings, see Define indicators.

  4. Click Save to add the card, or Cancel to discard it.

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Edit, delete, and reorder KPI cards

After you create a KPI card, you can edit or delete it, or change its location in the dashboard.

To manage a KPI card:

  1. Click Edit Mode to enter the dashboard edit mode.

  2. Hover over the KPI card you want to edit, delete, or reorder.

    Edit a card
    1. Click the Edit button .

    2. In the Edit Card page, edit the card attributes.

      For details, see Add quantity cards and Add percentage cards.

    3. Click Save to save your changes.

    Delete a card

    Click the Delete button . Click Yes in the Confirm dialog box.

    Reorder a card

    By default, KPI cards are ordered by the creation time.

    To reorder a KPI card:

    1. Click the Move button .

    2. Drag and drop the card to the target location in the dashboard.

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Drill down into a card

You can open a card to see the details of the entities filtered by the card. Card drill-down is available for quantity cards only.

To drill down into a card:

  1. In the dashboard view mode, click the card.

    The entities filtered by the card are displayed.

  2. Click to show, hide, or reorder table columns.

    The hide button Click it to hide a column from the table.
    The show button Click it to show a column in the table.
    The move button

    Hold it and drag and drop a column to a target line in the column list.

    Note: The Summary and Defect ID columns are always displayed. You cannot hide them.

To go back to the dashboard, click Back.

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Define indicators

When you apply an indicator to a card, the indicator settings define how the number on the card is displayed. For example, the indicator settings may define when the number is less than 50, it is displayed in red; when the number is greater than 80, it is displayed in green.

To add, edit, or delete an indicator:

  1. Open Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard. Click Edit Mode to enter the edit mode.

  2. Click Indicator. The Indicator window opens that lists all existing indicators.

    To delete an existing indicator, click the delete button .

    To edit an existing indicator, click it to open its details.

    To create a new indicator, click New Indicator

  3. In the Edit Indicator window, specify the following settings.

    Indicator Name Give the indicator a name.

    It includes the following two options:

    • Color. Select this if you want to add colors to the number on the card that uses the indicator settings.

    • Tag. Select this if you want to add tags to the card that uses the indicator settings.


    It includes the following two options:

    • Quantity. Select this if this indicator is created for integer numbers.

    • Percentage. Select this if this indicator is created for percentage numbers.

  4. Set the low and high thresholds for the indicator. Three data ranges are created automatically.

  5. Assign a color or tag to each data range.

  6. Click Save to create the indicator or save your changes.

    To reset the settings to your last saved changes, click Reset. To cancel the creation or changes of the indicator, click Cancel. To delete the indicator, click Delete.

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Rebuild dashboard cards

If you find data missing in the dashboard cards of a project, you can rebuild the cards of the project to manually synchronize the project data from the ALM server to the Quality Insight server. If you rebuild cards of a project, the cards will not be deleted but their data will be re-synched.

This feature is available to site administrators only.

To rebuild dashboard cards of a specific project:

  1. Open Quality Insight > Executive Dashboard.

  2. Click the Rebuild button .

  3. In the Domain field, select the domain where the project is located. In the Project field, select the project.

  4. (Optional) You can check the Quality Insight services health before rebuilding.

    IRIS Service Health Click it to check the health of the Quality Insight Elasticsearch service.
    Fetcher Service Health Click it to check the health of the Quality Insight service.
  5. Select the following checkbox, and click Rebuild.

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See also: