Extend timeslot reservations

You extend timeslot reservations when you did not allocate enough time for a test set to finish. For example, when running a test set for the first time, you may be unsure how long the tests will take to complete. You can extend timeslots to allow your tests to finish running.

To extend a timeslot, all necessary testing resources must be available during the extension time. If any of the testing resources are reserved for a different timeslot immediately following yours, you cannot extend the timeslot and tests stop without completing properly.

In this topic:

Extend timeslot reservations for functional tests and BVS

Functional test sets and build verification suites (BVS) are extended using the Automatically Extend Timeslot (Auto-Extend) option. If Auto-Extend is enabled, a functional test set or BVS that reaches the end of its timeslot before all tests complete will have its timeslot automatically extended so that the tests can finish.

Auto-Extend is enabled on a per-timeslot basis. You enable Auto-Extend either when reserving a timeslot from the Timeslot Reservation Dialog Box or when running a test set from the Run <Entity> Dialog Box. For details, see Timeslot Reservation Dialog Box and Run <Entity> Dialog Box.


  • Timeslots are extended 5 minutes before the end of the timeslot.

  • If a test set finishes early and a timeslot is split, the Auto-Extend setting for the initial timeslot is copied to the new, split timeslot.

  • Auto-Extend attempts can be seen in the Execution Report Event Log for a test set.

You can configure both the number of minutes by which to extend timeslots and the maximum number of times a timeslot can be extended. These settings are controlled on a per-project basis. To configure Auto-Extend settings for a project: Open Lab Management > Project Settings module > Details tab for your desired project. For details, see View and edit Lab Management project settings.

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Extend timeslot reservation for performance test

A performance test is extended manually while the test is running. If you see that a performance test will reach the end of its timeslot before it completes, you can enter a number of minutes to extend the timeslot. For details, see the LoadRunner Enterprise documentation.

Note: For performance tests, if the Vusers are in the process of stopping gradually, the system will prolong the timeslot automatically for 15 minutes, provided the resources are still available.

Parent topic: Reserving Timeslots Overview

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