Trace requirements
This section describes how to define traceability links between requirements, and how to view the associations and dependencies that exist between the requirements.
In this topic:
Requirements traceability overview
Requirements traceability defines a relationship between two or more requirements. When analyzing the impact of a change proposed in a specific requirement, the traceability links indicate the other requirements that the change might affect.
You can add traceability links to and from a selected requirement.
Trace from links indicate requirements that affect a selected requirement.
Trace to links indicate requirements that are affected by a selected requirement.
When a requirement changes, ALM can alert the affected requirements. For more details on alerts, see Alerts and flags.
Add requirement traceability
Define a relationship between two or more requirements.
To add requirement traceability for a requirement:
In the Requirements module, select the Requirement Details view. Select the requirement.
In the Requirement Traceability > Relationships tab, select one of the following options in the Add Requirement Traceability drop-down list.
Option Description Add Requirement Traceability or From Requirements Tree Displays the requirements tree in the right pane, enabling you to add traceability links from the requirements tree to the selected requirement. By ID (Trace From) Opens the Trace Existing Requirement dialog box, enabling you to add a traceability link to the Trace From grid by entering a requirement ID. By ID (Trace To) Opens the Trace Existing Requirement dialog box, enabling you to add a traceability link to the Trace To grid by entering a requirement ID. -
If you select Add Requirement Traceability or From Requirements Tree, from the requirements tree in the right pane, select the target requirements, and from the Add to Traceability drop-down list, select one of the following options.
Option Description Add to Traceability (Trace From) Adds selected requirements to the Trace From grid. Add to Traceability (Trace To) Adds selected requirements to the Trace To grid. If you click Add to Traceability directly, you add selected requirements to the Trace From grid.
Tip: You can also add traceability links by dragging a requirement in the tree to the appropriate grid.
To analyze the impact of requirement changes by reviewing the relationships, go to the Requirements Traceability > Impact Analysis tab.
It helps you understand associations and dependencies that exist between the requirements by displaying them in a hierarchical tree structure.
Recursive Relationship. The same requirement participates more than once in the relationship.
See also: