Compare Entities Dialog Box

This page enables you to compare an entity between two baselines in a library, or between two libraries. In a version control enabled project, you can compare two versions of an entity.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • In the Compare Baselines Tool or Compare Libraries Tool dialog box, select a modified entity and click the Compare Entities button.

  • In the History tab > Baselines tab, select two versions and click the Compare button.

  • Version Control: In the History tab > Versions tab, select two versions and click the Compare button.

Available from the following modules: Requirements, Business Components, Test Plan, Test Resources

Important information
  • Changes made to Target Release and Target Cycle fields do not cause the fields to be marked as modified.

  • Version Control:

    • Compare two versions of an entity in a version control enabled project.

    • Not all data and sidebar buttons are displayed. The data available depends on the information stored under version control. For details, see Version control.

Relevant tasks
See also

Baselines Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element



Enables you to select a display option for results.


Enables you to view additional comparison results.

The buttons displayed depend on the type of entity you are comparing.

Note: If you are comparing a UFT One entity, the QTP Comparison button is displayed, enabling you to open the QuickTest Asset Comparison Tool. For details on working with UFT One, refer to the Unified Functional Testing User Guide.


Indicates a modified field.


  • Version Control: Changes to some fields are not stored under version control. For details, see Version control.

  • For traceability and coverage, if a linked entity is marked as both Deleted and Added, or is displayed as Missing on both sides, this can indicate that the link between the entities was deleted and then added.

<Results grid>

Displays fields and the field value stored in each version of the entity. Indicates each field whose value has changed.

Comments tab

Enables you to compare the contents of the Comments field stored in each version.

Rich Text tab

Enables you to compare rich text. Each pane in the Rich Text tab indicates if rich text has been added, deleted, or modified for the relevant entity version. You can open or save the rich text as a file to view and compare changes.

Attachments tab

Enables you to compare attachments stored in each version. The Changes column indicates if an attachment has been added, deleted, or modified. You can open or save an attachment to view and compare changes.