Configure parameters and mail settings

The Configurations tab in Site Administration enables you to set configuration parameters, ALM mail protocol, and ALM mail restrictions.

For ALM SaaS: Only site administrators can access this tab.

In this topic:

Set configuration parameters

You can add, modify, delete, and export configuration parameters.


  • You cannot add or delete default parameters. You can only modify them.

  • You must reconnect to any open projects to work with the new settings.

Add a new parameter

To add a new parameter:

  1. Click Add New Parameter.

  2. Enter a name, value, and description for the parameter.

  3. Click Save.

Modify a parameter

To modify a parameter:

  1. From the list, click the parameter link.

  2. In the Edit Parameter panel, enter a new value and description.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a parameter

Select the parameter, click Delete, and click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Export parameters Click Export to export parameters to you default download path.

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Configure ALM mail settings

ALM uses SMTP mail protocol to send project information to users. You can configure the mail settings either manually or using Autodiscover.

To configure the ALM mail settings manually:

  1. In the Configuration tab, click the settings button and select Set Mail Protocol.

  2. Select Configure SMTP settings manually. Click Next.
  3. Complete the SMTP account settings:

    UI Element


    Account Type

    SMTP. ALM sends an email from an SMTP server on the network.

    Address The user's email address.
    Test Email Settings Opens the Test Mail dialog box. Type an email address and click Send. A message box confirms whether the mail was sent successfully.
    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

    The SMTP server available on your local area network.

    For details, check the MAIL_SERVER_HOST parameter in Site Parameters.

    Outgoing Mail Server Port The port number used by the outgoing mail server. By default, it is 25.
    Use the following type of encrypted connection

    Choose whether or not to make your connection more secure. The following options are available: None, SSL, and StartTLS.

    Note: In ALM SaaS, the None option is not available.

    Outgoing Server (SMTP) Requires Authentication

    If your SMTP server requires authentication, select this option to provide credentials for authentication. Enter user name and password.

  4. Click Save.

To configure the ALM mail settings using Autodiscover:

  1. In the Configuration tab, click the settings button and select Set Mail Protocol.

  2. Select Credentials for Autodiscover.
  3. Type the email address and password to automatically detect the correct email settings. Click Next.
  4. Review the SMTP account settings and click Save.

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Set ALM mail restrictions

You can define which users receive project emails.

To set ALM mail restrictions:

  1. In the Configuration tab, click the settings button and select Mail Restriction.

  2. Select the restriction level.

    • All: ALM sends an email to any address.

    • Per Site Level: ALM sends an email only to those users who are on the site.

    • Per Project: ALM sends an email only to those users who are assigned to the project.

  3. Click OK.

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See also: