
The Monitoring tab in Site Administration enables you to monitor users currently connected to ALM.

In this topic:

Monitor user connections

For each user, you can view the domain and project being used, the user's machine name, the time the user first logged in to the project, and the time the most recent action was performed. You can also view the client type connection to the ALM server.

To monitor user connections:

  1. In Site Administration, click the Monitoring > Connected Users tab.

    Tip: You can click any column heading to change the sort order of the column from ascending to descending.

    UI Element Description
    Disconnects selected users from ALM. For details, see Disconnect users.
    Select connected users and click the Send Message button to open the Send Message dialog box. It enables you to send messages to the selected users. For details, see Send messages to connected users.
    Opens the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box. It enables you to disconnect all users from selected projects. For details, see Disconnect users.
    Opens the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box. It enables you to send messages to all users connected to selected projects. For details, see Send messages to connected users.

    Refreshes the connections list. For details, see Refresh connections list.

    Groups connected users. For details, see Group connected users.
    Filters connected users by domain, project, username, host, or client type.
    Domain The domain of the project associated with the connected user
    Project Name The project associated with the connected user
    User name The username of the connected user
    Host The host name of the connected user
    Login Time The login time of the connected user
    Last Action The last action time of the connected user
    Client Type The client type of the connected user
    Licenses in Use

    Licenses used by the connected user

    Note: To view the total number of licenses that are in use for each ALM module, click the Licenses tab. For details, see License management and analysis.

  2. Refresh the connections list.

    Click the Refresh Settings button and select a refresh option.

    • To manually refresh the connections list, select Refresh.

    • To enable automatic refresh, select Automatic Refresh > Set Refresh Rate. In the Refresh Rate field, specify a value, and click OK.

  3. You can group connected users.

    Click Groups and select a group-by option. The number of connected users in each group is shown in the group name.

    • To group connected users by project, select Group By Project.

    • To group connected users by user, select Group By User.

    • To clear the Groups settings, select Clear All.

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Send messages to connected users

You can send messages to connected users. This enables you to routinely inform connected users about important maintenance activities. For example, disconnecting a project, or restarting an ALM server.

After you send a message, a pop-up window automatically opens on the user's machine displaying the message text. The message box is displayed until the user closes it or disconnects from ALM.

To send a message to selected users:

  1. From the connections list, select the users you want to whom you want to send a message.

    • To send a message to a user or group of users, select the row of the user or group.

    • To send a message to multiple users, use Ctrl or Shift to highlight users to include.

  2. Click Send Message.

    In the Send Message dialog box, the To field displays the recipients of the message in the format of <Domain>: <project name>: <user name>

  3. In the Message field, enter your message.

  4. Click Send.

To send messages to all connected users of selected projects:

  1. Click Send to Projects/Domain.

  2. In the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box, select the target projects.

    All the users connected to the selected projects will receive your message.

  3. Click Send.

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Disconnect users

You can disconnect selected users and disconnect all users from selected projects.

To disconnect selected users:

  1. From the connections list, select the users you want to whom you want to send a message.

    • To send a message to a user or group of users, select the row of the user or group.

    • To send a message to multiple users, use Ctrl or Shift to highlight users to include.

  2. Click Disconnect.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

To disconnect all users from selected projects:

  1. Click Disconnect from Projects/Domain.
  2. In the Actions on Domains/Projects dialog box, select the target projects.

  3. Click Disconnect.

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Monitor audit log

For SaaS users only

In the Monitoring > Audit Log tab, you can view and filter the list of operations performed in the ALM SaaS environment.

Note: Only users with the role that has the View Audit Log permission can access the Audit Log tab. Site admin and customer admin users are given this permission by default.

To filter operations:

Click Filter and specify the conditions.

Alternatively, you can click the following columns to filter data.

User Name To view operations performed by a specific user, enter its login name in the User Name filter.
Operation To view a specific type of operations, select the type in the Operation filter.

To filter operations by details, enter a keyword or part of a keyword in the Details filter.


To view operations of a specific status, select the status in the Status filter.

Source IP

To view operations done from specific IPs, enter a keyword or part of a keyword in the Source IP filter.

Destination IP

To view operations done to specific IPs, enter a keyword or part of a keyword in the Destination IP filter.

To export operations:

Click Export to export operations to a .csv file.

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Monitor TEA host services

You can monitor TEA (ALM Test Execution Agent) host machines that run ALM automation tests. For details about TEA, see Test Execution Agent (TEA).

To add a TEA host identifier:

  1. In the Monitoring > TEA Host Service tab of Site Administration, click the add button (+).

  2. In the Add New Host Identifier dialog box, enter the following information and click Save.

    Field Description
    Label Give the host identifier a label to differentiate it from other identifiers.
    Create host identifier(s)

    Enter the number of host identifiers you want to add.

    Different host identifiers are generated with the same label.

To check TEA host identifier details:

You can click the link in the ID column to open the host identifier details.

Note: Some of the following fields are empty until the TEA host is registered successfully.

Field Description
ID System-generated number for each host identifier.
Status Status of the TEA host that used the host identifier.
Is Shared Whether or not the TEA host that used the host identifier can be shared to run automation tests triggered by other users than the host owner.
Create Username The user who created the host identifier.
Host Name The TEA host that used the host identifier.
Host Username Username of the host owner. It is the user associated with the API key used to register the host in the ALM server.
Register Date Date when the TEA host was registered with the host identifier.
Creation Date Date when the host identifier was created.
IP IP address of the TEA host.
Last Touch Date when the TEA host is last pinged.

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See also: