Server management

The Servers tab in Site Administration enables you to configure ALM server information, define database servers that were not defined during installation, and modify existing database server definitions.

In this topic:

Configure ALM server

You can set the ALM server log files and the maximum number of database connections.

To configure log file settings:

In the Servers > Application Servers tab, under the Client Log File Settings, Site Administration Log File Settings, and Project Planning and Tracking Log File Settings sections, define the following:

Log Level

Click the Log Level drop-down list and select the type of log file you want the server to create.

  • None. Does not create a log file.

  • Errors. Records error events.

  • Warnings. Records potentially harmful situations.

  • Flow. Records informational messages that highlight the application flow.

  • Debug. Records events that are most useful for debugging.

Max. Log Lines Define the maximum number of lines that ALM can write to the log file. ALM creates a new log file after the log file reaches the maximum number of lines. The default value is 10,000.
Max. Log Days Define the maximum number of days that the ALM server keeps the log file. ALM automatically deletes the log files once the maximum number of days is reached. The default value is Unlimited.
Log File Location

Enter the directory path of the log file.

Caution: Saving logs on a remote server may cause performance issues. We recommend that you save logs to the local file system. If the local file system has limited space, prepare a script which periodically moves the logs to network storage.

To set the maximum number of database connections:

In the Servers > Application Servers tab, under the Miscellaneous section, set the Max. Database Connections field.

For information on maximum database connections, see What is the purpose of " Maximum database connection" parameter.

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Add database servers

You can define new database servers that were not defined during installation.

Note: To make Text Search unavailable on a new database server, you must disable Text Search on the database server before you define the new database server in ALM.

To add a database server:

  1. Open Site Administration > Servers tab > DB Servers tab.

  2. Click Add. In the Create Database Server dialog box, enter the following information.

    Database Type

    Select the type of database server you want to define:

    • MS-SQL (SQL Auth.). Uses SQL authentication.

    • MS-SQL (Win Auth.). Uses Microsoft Windows authentication.

    • Oracle. Uses Oracle authentication.

    Database Name Enter the database name.
    DB Admin User

    Enter the login name of the database administrator.

    • For the Oracle database type, the default administrator user account that enables you to create ALM projects is system.

    • For the MS-SQL (SQL Auth.) database type, the default administrator user account that enables you to create ALM projects is sa.

    • For the MS-SQL (Win Auth.) database type, the DB Admin User field is not required. The login name of the database administrator is the Windows user that is set to run ALM as a service.

    DB Admin Password

    Enter the password of the database administrator.

    For the MS-SQL (Win Auth.) database type, the DB Admin User field is not required.

    ALM User Password

    Required only when you create a MS-SQL (SQL Auth.) database.

    Set the password for the ALM td user who can access the database schema.

    Default Connection String

    Select either Connection String Parameters or Connection String to edit the default connection string.

    Connection String Parameters

    Define the following to edit the default connection string parameters:

    • Server Host. The database server hostname or IP address used to connect to the database.

    • Port. The port number of the database server.

    • Oracle Service Name. The service name for an Oracle database server.

    Connection String

    Enter the connection string.

    For Oracle RAC support, you can enter the connection string by following the example below.

    Copy code
    jdbc:company:oracle:TNSNamesFile=<ALM server>\tnsnames.ora;TNSServerName=OrgRAC

    tnsnames.ora is a file that contains the Oracle database addresses. OrgRAC is the address of the TNS server ALM should refer to.

    Note: To enable Oracle RAC support, set the ORACLE_RAC_SUPPORT site parameter to Y. For details, see Site Parameters.

  3. To check whether you can connect to the database server, click Ping.

  4. Click OK to add the database server.

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Modify database server properties

You can modify the properties of a database server after you add it.

To modify the properties of a database server:

  1. Open Site Administration > Servers tab > DB Servers tab.

  2. From the servers list, select the database.

  3. Edit the following properties.

    Database Administrator User Name

    Enter the login name of the new database administrator.

    For details about database administrator username, see DB Admin User.

    Database Administrator Password

    Enter the password of the new database administrator.

    Alternatively, you can click the Change Password button to enter the new password.

    Application Lifecycle Management User Password Click the Change Password link to modify the password of the ALM td user who can access the database schema.
    Text Search

    Click Enable to enable Text Search capabilities on the database server.

    You cannot disable Text Search after you enable it.

    For details, see Configure Text Search.

    Default Search Language

    Editable when Text Search is enabled.

    Select the default Text Search language for the database server.

    Connection String Click the Change Connection String link to change the connection string.
  4. Click Ping to check whether you can connect to the database server.
  5. Click Save to save your changes, or Restore to cancel your changes.

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See also: