Configure identity provider
Prerequisite: Configure service provider.
This section describes how to configure an IdP by completing the Identity Provider Registration step.
In this topic:
Consider the following before configuring an IdP:
Make sure you first configure the default alm IdP.
Before adding other IdPs, make sure that the alm IdP is successfully validated, and that SSO is enabled. For details, see Validate identity provider and enable SSO.
After completing the Identity Provider Registration step for an IdP, the configuration file is saved in the following ALM repository:
{ALM repository}\sa\DomsInfo\osp\<idp name>.properties
Basic properties
In the Identity Provider Registration > Basic Properties tab, complete the following configurations:
Attribute mapping
In the Identity Provider Registration > Attribute Mapping tab, map IdP user attributes to ALM user attributes.
Auto user provisioning
In the Identity Provider Registration > Auto User Provisioning tab, configure whether or not to enable auto user provisioning to update or create matching ALM users.
Field | Description |
User Info Auto Update |
This option controls whether or not to automatically update the user attributes of matching ALM users with the mapped user attributes of IdP users. ALM finds matching ALM users based on the attributes you select in Attributes Used to Match Existing ALM Users. |
Available only when User Info Auto Update is enabled. Select the user attributes that ALM uses to match IdP users with existing ALM users. ALM finds the only one matching user as follows:
User Auto Generation |
This option controls whether or not to automatically create an ALM user based on the user attributes of an IdP user. |
Attribute Mapped to ALM Username |
Available only when User Auto Generation is enabled. Select one of the following attributes as the default username of a new ALM user:
Default ALM Username Editable |
Available only when User Auto Generation is enabled. This option controls whether or not a new ALM user can change its default username during the user creation. |
Available only when User Auto Generation is enabled. This option controls whether or not to send email notifications to the related users in the following circumstances:
Auto Provision Notification List |
Available only when Send Notification is enabled. Specify the usernames of the site admin users who receive notifications. |
Components preparation
In the Identity Provider Registration > Components Preparation tab, follow the on-screen instructions to deploy SP and fetch SP metadata.
Next steps: