Web Runner keyboard accessibility

Web Runner supports keyboard accessibility. Most interactions and information that can be accessed with your mouse can also be accessed with your keyboard.

Action How to
Move focus to an item
  • Press the Tab key to navigate to the next clickable item.
  • Press the Shift + Tab keys to navigate in reverse.
Open an item Press Enter to open an item.
Quickly focus on a test set or defect
  1. Navigate to the Test Sets tab or Defects tab.
  2. Move focus to the Skip to Table button.

    To make this button appear: If the focus is on the Go Home icon, press the Tab key to navigate forward. If the focus is on other items, press the Shift + Tab keys to navigate backward until the button appears.

  3. Press Enter. The focus is moved to the first clickable item in the test set or defect table.
Run tests See Keyboard shortcuts.