Manual Runner Wizard for Business Process Testing

This wizard enables you to run business process tests and flows manually. You can run both manual and automated business process tests and flows manually.


To access

In the Test Lab module > Test Sets tab, select a test set that contains business process tests, and click the Execution Grid tab or Execution Flow tab. Select one or more business process tests and select Tests > Run with Manual Runner.

Relevant tasks

Run business process tests and flows

Wizard map

This wizard contains:

Manual Runner: Run Details page for Business Process Testing > Manual Runner: Step Details page for Business Process Testing

See also


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Manual Runner: Run Details page for Business Process Testing

This wizard page enables you to review run details and run business process tests and flows manually.

Important information
  • General information about this wizard is available here: Manual Runner Wizard for Business Process Testing.

  • To advance to the next page of this wizard, click .

  • The Run Details page for Business Process Testing differs from the Run Details page for other ALMtest types. This section describes the elements that are significant specifically when running business process tests and flows. For user interface details on the Run Details page for other test types, see  .

User interface elements unique to Business Process Testing are described below:

UI Element Description
Operating System Info

Opens the Operating System Information dialog box. You can edit the following:

  • Operating System. The operating system on the machine where you perform your test steps. By default, the operating system on your ALM client machine is displayed.
  • OS Service Pack. The operating system service pack.
  • OS Build Number. The operating system build number.

Test Details pane

Provides the description of the business process test or flow as defined in the Test Plan module.

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Manual Runner: Step Details page for Business Process Testing

This wizard page enables you to do the following during the run:

  • Set the pass/fail status for each component step

  • Rename component steps for display in the Run Results View

After you finish executing the business process test or flow, you can save your component steps with the changes you make.

Note: These changes affect the Run Results View, not the actual step definitions in the Business Components module.

To access

From the Manual Runner: Run Details page, click .

Important information

The Step Details page for Business Process Testing differs from the Step Details page for other ALMtest types. This section describes the elements that are significant specifically when running business process tests and flows. For user interface details on the Run Details page for other test types, see  .

User interface elements unique to Business Process Testing are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element Description

Previous Step. Jumps to the previous step.

Next Step. Jumps to the next step.

Return to previously clicked link. Jumps back to the step containing the parameter link you clicked previously.

<Grid fields>

View or edit details about the test steps. The grid displays a hierarchical tree of each test or flow iteration, business component, and component iteration contained in the business process test or flow.

One of the grid fields is Status. When running a business process test or flow manually, there is one additional status available: 

  • Ignored. The business component or flow was ignored because it did not meet its defined run conditions.

    The status of any steps related to this business component or flow is automatically set to No Run and the steps are skipped when you click Next.

    This status cannot be chosen; it is set by Business Process Testing during the manual run.


Provides the textual description of the selected test, flow, component, or step. This is the text originally entered in the Business Components or Test Plan modules.


Indicates the expected result of running the selected component. This is the text originally entered in the Steps tab of the component in the Business Components module.

Input and output parameters within the text in the Description and Expected boxes are indicated by sets of angle brackets:

Input parameters. Input parameters are enclosed in one set of angle brackets. If a value has been assigned to the parameter, the value is enclosed in the angle brackets, for example, <Bob Smith>, for the AgentName parameter. If no value has been assigned to the parameter, an empty set of angle brackets is shown, for example, <>.

Output parameters. Output parameter names are enclosed in three sets of angle brackets, for example, <<<Order_Number>>>.


Indicates the actual result of running the step during the test or flow.

Parameters area

This area: 

  • Displays the input parameter values for you to use when manually running the component selected in the run tree.

  • Enables you to enter values output by the application that you can use later in the test or flow run.

  • Enables you to enter values for testing the impact of different parameter values on the application during the run.

Default values can be defined for input parameters in the Parameters tab. Default values are used if no other value is provided during the run. For details, see Create parameters.

The output parameter must already have been created in the component Parameters tab in the Business Components module. In addition, the output parameter must have been linked to the input parameter in the Component Iterations dialog box. For details, see Create parameters.

Input Parameters

Name. The names of the input parameters defined for the component selected in the Run Progress Pane tree. For details, see How to Define Iterations to Run with Different Values.

Value. Displays the input parameter values defined for the selected component.

Source. Enables you to jump to the component or iteration that provides the parameter value. You can click the Return to previously clicked link button to jump back to the step containing the link.

Input parameters that are defined as the default values do not have any associated link.

Output Parameters

Name. The names of the output parameters defined for the component selected in the Run Progress Pane tree. For details, see How to Define Iterations to Run with Different Values.

Value. Enables you to enter a value provided by a step in the application you are testing. You can then use this value as an input value in a subsequent step.

Source. Input parameters derived from the output parameter of a previous step are shown as links in the Source cells in the Input Parameters section.

The name of the link indicates the name of the source component and the name of the relevant parameter, for example, [Component1] Order_Number.

To retrieve the output parameter value, you can click the link to jump to the step that provides the value. You can click the Return to previously clicked link button to jump back to the step containing the link.

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Test Properties dialog box

This dialog box enables you to view details about the test.

To access

From the Run Details page of the Manual Runner, click More.

Important information

  • Most of the fields on this page are read-only.
  • You can send the test properties by email to the designer of the business process test or flow.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Details tab

Lists the business process test or flow fields.

Attachments tab

Enables you to open and view attachments for the business process test or flow.

Test Run Details tab

Displays details about the business process test or flow run.

Available when: Run details exist.

User Defined Fields tab

Displays user-defined fields.

Available when: User-defined fields exist.

Description tab

Displays a description of the business process test's or flow's purpose, or other descriptive text.

Comments tab

Displays additional comments for the business process test or flow instance.

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