ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps

The ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps provides Azure DevOps users with test coverage and status information directly on native Azure DevOps epics, issues, tasks, or custom work item types.


The extension allows Azure DevOps users to continue planning and working in Azure DevOps with immediate visibility into the quality processes being managed in ALM. This extension helps Azure DevOps users understand test coverage and pass/fail status, while providing QA with full visibility and alignment to the development process being managed in Azure DevOps.

Supported ALM versions: 16.0.1 and later.

Note: You cannot use this extension in private browsing mode (in Incognito mode or private window.)

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Prerequisite: enable CORS for ALM

By default, ALM Server doesn’t support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). To use this extension, you should enable CORS for ALM.

To enable CORS for ALM:

  1. Prerequisite: Make sure the ALM server is accessed via a secure protocol.

  2. Stop the ALM service.

  3. Edit the {ALM Deployment Path}\webapps\qcbin\WEB-INF\web.xml file.

    {ALM Deployment Path} is the location of the repository directory which is specified during the ALM installation.

    • Add the following content by the end of the filter sections and before filter-mapping:

      If you work with Azure DevOps Server, replace the value of the allowedOrigins parameter with an asterisk (*).

      Copy code
                  <param-value>POST, GET, OPTIONS</param-value>
    • Add the following content after the filter-mapping whose filter-name is OSPCookieFilter:

      Copy code
  4. In the {ALM Deployment Path}\webapps\qcbin\WEB-INF\jetty-web.xml file, add the following content after line 25.

    Copy code
    <Call name="setAttribute">
  5. In the {ALM Deployment Path}\wrapper\Wrapper.conf file, add the following content in the # SSO Configuration section:

    Copy code,POST,PUT,OPTIONS

    Note: in the line above is an example. If is already used, use another available one instead.

  6. Start the ALM service.

Set X-Forwarded-Proto header

If a web server is used in front of the ALM server, you should set the X-Forwarded-Proto header in the web server. This header identifies the protocol that is used to connect with the web server.

For example, if you use Nginx, to set the X-Forwarded-Proto header, you add the following line directly after any proxy_pass line:

Copy code
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

For instructions about setting the header in other web servers, see the web server documentation.

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To install the ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps:

  1. Prerequisite: Add test coverages for your requirements in ALM.

    For details, see Create test coverage.

  2. If you work with Azure DevOps Services:

    1. Log in to the Azure DevOps Marketplace.

    2. In the ALM Test Management Extension page, click Get it free.

    3. Select your Azure DevOps organization, and click Install.

  3. If you work with Azure DevOps Server (2019, 2020, or 2022):

    1. Log in to the Azure DevOps Marketplace.

    2. Click Download to download the ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps.

    3. Log in to your Azure DevOps organization. In the left pane of the page, at the bottom, click Collection Settings.

    4. In the left pane of the Collection Settings page, under General, click Extensions.

    5. In the right top corner of the Extensions page, click Browse local extensions.

    6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, click Manage Extensions.

    7. In the Manage Extensions page, click Upload extension to upload the the ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps you downloaded.

    8. Go back to the marketplace page, select your Azure DevOps organization, and click Install.

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Complete the following tasks to set up the extension.

Add a custom field to store ALM requirement ID

Add a custom field to an Azure DevOps work item. This custom field is used to store the ID of the ALM requirement that is mapped to the Azure DevOps work item.

  1. Log in to your Azure DevOps organization.

  2. In the left pane of the page, at the bottom, click Organization settings (or Collection Settings if you work with Azure DevOps Server).

  3. In the left pane of the page, under Boards, click Process.

  4. From the All process list, select an inherited process, and select the work item type you want to add the custom field to.

  5. Click New field.

  6. Give the custom field a name and select Integer as the type. Click Add field.

Add an ALM server configuration

You can add multiple ALM server configurations in the ALM Test Management extension for Azure DevOps.

To add an ALM server configuration:

  1. Log in to your Azure DevOps organization. In the left pane of the page, at the bottom, click Organization settings (or Collection Settings if you work with Azure DevOps Server).

  2. Under Extensions, click ALM Settings.

  3. In the ALM Settings page, under the ALM Servers section, click Add an ALM server.

  1. Configure the attributes of your ALM server, and click Create.

    Field Description
    Name Enter the name for the ALM server configuration.
    ALM Server

    Enter the address for the ALM server.

    Only ALM servers that use secure protocols are supported. For example, https://<ALM_server>:<port_number>/qcbin.

    Client ID

    API Key Secret

    Enter the Client ID and API key secret of your API key to access ALM.

    For information about managing ALM API keys, see API key management.

  2. Click Test connection to test the connection with your ALM server.

  3. Click Create.

Add entity mappings

After adding an ALM server configuration, you can add entity mappings between ALM requirements and Azure DevOps work items.

To add an entity mapping:

  1. Log in to your Azure DevOps organization. In the left pane of the page, at the bottom, click Organization settings (or Collection Settings if you work with Azure DevOps Server).

  2. Under Extensions, click ALM Settings.

  3. In the ALM Settings page, under the Entity Mappings section, click Add a mapping.

  4. Enter the following information, and click Create.

    Field Description
    ALM Server Select an ALM server configuration you added.
    ALM Domain Select the domain where the ALM project you want to map is located.
    ALM Project Select the ALM project to map.
    Azure DevOps Custom Field

    Select the custom field you created in Add a custom field to store ALM requirement ID.

    Azure DevOps Projects Select the Azure DevOps projects where the Aure DevOps work item types you want to map are located.
    Azure DevOps Work Item Types

    Select the Azure DevOps work item types to map.

    Note: The work item types of the selected Azure DevOps projects that have been mapped to ALM projects are not available for selection.

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Data between Azure DevOps and ALM can be synchronized using OpenText Connect or manually.

Synchronize with OpenText Connect

If you use OpenText Connect to synchronize Azure DevOps with ALM, the value of the custom filed that stores the mapped ALM requirement ID can be set automatically.

To synchronize with Connect, add a mapping between the ALM field Req ID and the custom field you added in Azure DevOps.

Synchronize manually

You can manually enter the value for the custom field to synchronize Azure DevOps with ALM.

To edit the value for the custom field:

  1. Log in to your Azure DevOps organization.

  2. Open your project. From the left pane, select Boards > Work Items.

  3. Click the work item you want to edit, and update the custom field with the ALM requirement ID that covers the quality of the work item.

  4. Click Save.

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ALM Test Coverage widget summary

After you complete configuring the extension, the ALM Test Coverage widget is added to work item details.

  • The widget shows the number of tests related to the entity, and the test status of the last runs of these tests.

  • Click the requirement ID to drill down to the requirement and the details of its related tests in ALM Client.

  • Click the number of a specific test status to view the details of tests of the specific test status in a new widget. Click a test ID to drill down to the related test plan in ALM Client.

  • Click View <number> linked ALM tests detail to view the details of all the tests in a new widget. Click a test ID to drill down to the related test plan in ALM Client.

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The following table lists the issues you may encounter when using this plugin and instructs you how to solve the issues:

Issue Solution

The following error occurs when you click an Azure DevOps entity:

No corresponding requirement in ALM. Make sure that the ID is correct.

Check the configuration of the {ALM Deployment Path}\webapps\qcbin\WEB-INF\web.xml file. Make sure the value of the allowedOrigins parameter is set to the following:,

For details, see Prerequisite: enable CORS for ALM.

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