Obtain database and repository size

This section provides instructions about how to obtain the size of your ALM database and repository.

Every ALM project has its own database schema and file repository. All the steps in this topic should be performed for every project you want to migrate to SaaS.

Obtain SA database schema name

Follow the steps below to obtain the name of the Site Administration database schema.

  1. Log in to the ALM server.

  2. Go to the directory where ALM/QC is deployed or installed.

  3. Go to the directory where the siteadmin.xml file is saved, and open it in edit mode.

    Linux /var/opt/Micro Focus/ALM/webapps/qcbin/WEB-INF

    One of the following:

    • <ALM/QC directory>/webapps/qcbin/WEB_INF

    • <ALM/QC directory>\jboss\server\default\deploy\10sabin.war\WEB-INF

    • <ALM/QC directory>\application\10sabin.war\WEB-INF

  4. Search for site admin schema name using the DBNAME tag.

    For example, <DbName>SA_SCHEMA_NAME</DbName>.

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Obtain file repository size

Follow the step below to obtain the size of the file repository from the file server.

  1. Open ALM Site Administration.

  2. Select the project you want to migrate. In the Project Details tab, under the Project Directory field, find the file repository path of the project.

  3. On the file server machine, navigate to the repository path of the project and run the following command.

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Obtain projects information from database

Obtain the number of all projects, the number of projects with version control enabled, and the number of checked-out entities within specific projects.

To obtain the number of all projects:

  1. Obtain the Site Administration database schema. See Obtain SA database schema name.

  2. Set the SA_SCHEMA parameter to the correct Site Administration schema name.

  3. Run the following query:

    Copy code

To obtain the number of projects with version control enabled:

  1. Obtain the Site Administration database schema. See Obtain SA database schema name.

  2. Set the SA_SCHEMA parameter to the correct Site Administration schema name.

  3. Run the following query:

    Copy code

To obtain the number of checked-out entities within a specific project:

  1. Obtain the project database schema name of the project by doing one of the following:

    • Select the project in the Site Administration > Projects tab. Check the value of the Database Name field.

    • Run the following query on the Site Administration database schema, and from the query output, obtain the value of the DB_NAME field of the project:

      Copy code
  2. Run the following query within the project database schema:

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Obtain project database schema size

Follow the steps below to obtain the size of the project database schema.

  1. Open ALM Site Administration.

  2. Select the project you want to migrate. In the Project Details tab, under the Database Name field, find the database schema of the project. Under the Database Server field, find the server where the schema is located.

  3. On the database server, run the following command to obtain the size of the database schema.

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Obtain database and repository size of all projects

Obtain all the projects details including their database schema and file repository size as stored in the database based on the smart repository mechanism.

This section is applicable only to ALM 11.00 and later that includes the smart repository mechanism.


  1. Obtain the Site Administration database schema. See Obtain SA database schema name.

  2. Set the SA_SCHEMA parameter to the correct Site Administration schema name.

To obtain database and repository size of all projects:

Run the following query:

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Export database schema

Export the database schema of each project you want to migrate.


Consider the following prerequisites before you export the database schema.

AWS S3 Bucket An AWS S3 Bucket location should be provided by your CSM during the migration process.
MD5 software For example, md5.
FTP server Only when AWS S3 Bucket is not available for some reason, a FTP server location should be provided by your CSM during the migration process.

To export the database schema:

Perform one of the following export actions, depending on your database type:

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