Customizing Projects
In the previous lessons, you learned how to use ALM to help you manage all phases of the application lifecycle management process, including specifying releases and cycles, specifying requirements, planning tests, running tests, and tracking defects.
In this lesson, you will learn how to customize your ALM project to meet the needs of your team. You can control access to a project by defining the users who can access the project and by specifying the types of tasks each user can perform. When new members are added to your team, you assign them to the projects that they will be using, and specify the tasks that they can perform.
You can also customize your ALM project by modifying system fields or by adding user-defined fields. System fields are ALM default fields. You cannot add or delete system fields, you can only modify them. User fields are fields that you can define. You can add, modify, and delete user-defined fields.
Fields can be associated with system and user-defined lists. A list contains the values that the user can enter in a field. For example, if you are running tests on two different database servers, you can add a Database field to your project. You can then create a selection list containing the values Oracle and Microsoft SQL, and associate the list with the Database field.
In this lesson, you will learn about: