ALM Desktop Client keyboard shortcuts

This section lists the keyboard shortcuts that are available for use in ALM Desktop Client.

Note: In most cases, you need to use the mouse to focus on a specific area before using the keyboard shortcuts. For example, if you want to browse in an entity tree, you first click an item in the tree and then continue with keyboard shortcuts.

Shortcuts to enter ALM modules

The following table lists shortcuts for how to open a specific module.

Module Shortcut
My Homepage Ctrl + Shift + H
Dashboard > Analysis View Ctrl + Shift + V
Dashboard > Dashboard View Ctrl + Shift + O
Management > Releases Ctrl + Shift + E
Management > Libraries Ctrl + Shift + I
Requirements > Requirements Ctrl + Shift + R
Requirements > Business Models Ctrl + Shift + M
Testing > Test Resources Ctrl + Shift + X
Testing > Test Plan Ctrl + Shift + P
Testing > Test Lab Ctrl + Shift + L
Testing > Test Runs Ctrl + Shift + U
Defects Ctrl + Shift + D

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Shortcuts for common operations

The following table lists shortcuts for operations that are common across modules.

Operation Shortcut


Shift + Tab



Cancel ESC
Delete Del
Refresh F5
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Rename F2
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next Ctrl + L
Browse main menus Left/Right
Expand menus Right
Collapse menus Left
Browse menu items



Select a value in a drop-down list Up/Down

Browse grid rows

Browse grid columns Left/Right
Edit a grid cell Enter
Expand a folder in an entity tree Right
Collapse a folder in an entity tree Left
Select an items in an entity tree Up/Down

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Analysis module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Analysis module.

Operation Shortcut
Create a folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Open the Graph Wizard Ctrl + P
Create a graph Ctrl + G
Create a Business View Graph Ctrl + B
Create a Business View Excel Report Ctrl + Alt + E
Create a Project Report Ctrl + T
Share an analysis item Ctrl + H
Send an analysis item by e-mail Ctrl + E

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Dashboard module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Dashboard module.

Operation Shortcut
Create a folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Create a dashboard page Ctrl + P
Create a Health Report Ctrl + Alt + R
Share a dashboard page Ctrl + H

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Releases module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Releases module.

Operation Shortcut
View release details Ctrl + D
Create a release folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Create a release Ctrl + R
Create a milestone Ctrl + M
Create a cycle Ctrl + Y
Duplicate a cycle Ctrl + D
Duplicate a milestone Ctrl + Alt + D

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Requirements module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Requirements module.

Operation Shortcut
View requirement details Ctrl + D
Create a folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Create a requirement Alt + N
Go to requirement Alt + G

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Test Plan module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Test Plan module.

Operation Shortcut
Create a test folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Create a test Ctrl + N
Go to test Alt + G
View test details Ctrl + D
Add a design step Alt + N
Edit a step Ctrl + Alt + D
Add attachments Alt + Shift + A
Call to test Ctrl + L
Insert parameters Ctrl + P
Save steps Ctrl + S

Export selected test design steps to Excel

Available in ALM 17.0.1 and later

Ctrl + Shift + T

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Test Lab module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Test Lab module.

Operation Shortcut
Create a test set folder Ctrl + Alt + N
Create a test set Alt + N
Go to test set Alt + G
Run a test set Alt + F9
View test set details Ctrl + D
View test instance details Ctrl + Alt + D
Run selected test instance Ctrl + F9
Run with Manual Runner Ctrl + Alt + F9
Continue Manual run Ctrl + Shift + F9
Manual Runner: Begin run Ctrl + R
Manual Runner: End run Ctrl + Q
Manual Runner: Cancel run Ctrl + K
Manual Runner: Attach to run Ctrl + U
Manual Runner: New defect Ctrl + N
Manual Runner: Link defects Ctrl + B
Manual Runner: Pass selected Ctrl + P
Manual Runner: Pass all Ctrl + A
Manual Runner: Fail selected Ctrl + F
Manual Runner: Fail all Ctrl + G
Manual Runner: Attach to step Ctrl + S
Manual Runner: Attach to run Ctrl + U
Manual Runner: End run Ctrl + Q

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Defects module shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts in the Defects module.

Operation Shortcut
Switch the main menus Left and Right keys
Create a new defect Alt + N
Go to defect Alt + G
View defect details Ctrl + D

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