Reset your password

When logging in to ALM, if you cannot remember your password, you can reset it and create a new one.

Note: The Forgot Password link is unavailable in either of the following situations:

To reset your password:

  1. In the ALM Login window, click the Forgot Password link. The Forgot Password dialog box opens.

  2. In the Login Name box, type your user name. By default, the name entered in the ALM Login window is displayed.

  3. Click OK. ALM sends a message to the email address assigned to your ALM user name.

  4. In the received email, click the Reset your password link to set a new password.

    • Starting from 24.1 P1: The link opens in your web browser.

    • Before 24.1 P1: The link opens in ALM Desktop Client.

After you set a new password, the ALM Login window opens, enabling you to log in using your new password.

Note: Use the FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS Site Configuration parameter to change the email address that sends the password. For details, see Set configuration parameters.