Check if a Dialog Box is Open

It is helpful to track whether a dialog box is open before performing certain actions. For example:

  • Dialog boxes do not need to be refreshed but grid displays do.

  • Certain workflow events are not allowed when a dialog box is open.

The DialogBox event can be used to track the visibility of dialog boxes.


To avoid unpredictable results, determine if a dialog box is open before any events occur.

The following example checks whether the dialog box for creating a new defect is open. This is relevant because the BG_USER_01 field can only be modified for a new defect. If a different dialog box is open, such as the dialog box for editing a defect, the BG_USER_01 field cannot be modified.


' Declare a global variable for each dialog box of interest
Dim NewDefectDialogIsOpen
' Initialize the global variable
NewDefectDialogIsOpen = False
Sub DialogBox(DialogBoxName, IsOpen)
    If DialogBoxName="New Bug" Then
        NewDefectDialogIsOpen = True
        NewDefectDialogIsOpen = False
    End If
End Sub
Function Bug_FieldCanChange(FieldName, NewValue)
' Initialize the function's return value to avoid
' unpredictable behavior.
Bug_FieldCanChange = True
' The BG_USER_01 field can only be modified for a new defect.
If FieldName="BG_USER_01" Then
    If NewDefectDialogIsOpen Then
        Bug_FieldCanChange = True
        Bug_FieldCanChange = False
    End If
End If
End Function

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