Filter records in Web Client

This section describes how to use Filter in Web Client to display only records that meet the criteria you define.

Open the Filter dialog box

To open the Filter <entity> dialog box, click the target tab and click the Filter button.

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Filter records

The Filter tab of the Filter <entity> dialog box enables you to display only the data that meet your criteria.

  1. From the field name pane, select the target field by which you want to filter data.

    To search for a field, in the Search text box, type the characters that are contained in the field name.

    Note: Rich text fields such as Comments and Description are not supported.

  2. In the Set Filter box, enter the filter condition.

    If you select a field with values that must be selected from available options (such as from a tree or a list), the field's available values are listed. Select the target value which is automatically added to the Set Filter box. You can also use the Search box above the field value list to search fro the target field value.

  3. Select an operator to define the logical expressions.

    Operator Description
    And Filters records that meet all the filter conditions.
    Or Filters records that meet any of the filter conditions.
    Not Filter records that do not meet the filter conditions.

    Greater than. Filters records with the filed value greater than the criterion following this operator.


    Greater than or equal. Filters records with the filed value greater than or equal to the criterion following this operator.

    < Less than. Filters records with the filed value less than the criterion following this operator.
    <= Less than or equal. Filters records with the filed value less than or equal to the criterion following this operator.
    = Equal. Filters records with the filed value equal to the criterion following this operator.
  4. Next to the Set Filter box, Click OK to complete the filter setting for the field.
  5. To add another filter, repeat from step 1 through step 4.
  6. To apply the added filters, click Apply.

    To clear all the filters you added, click Clear.

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Sort records

The View Order tab in the Filter <entity> dialog box enables you to sort entities.


  • The View Order tab is not available for the Releases or Dashboard tab of Web Client.

  • The View Order tab considers records beginning with a space or character before considering those beginning with numbers. It then considers uppercase letters and, finally, lowercase letters.

UI Element


Available Fields

Displays the names of all the fields you can display.

Sorted Fields

Displays the names of the fields currently assigned a sorting priority.

Sets the sort priority in the Sorted Fields pane.

You can also drag the field names up or down.

Moves selected fields between Available Fields and Sorted Fields.

You can also drag the field names between panes or double-click a field name to move it across to the other pane.

Moves all fields between Available Fields and Sorted Fields.

Sorts a selected field in the Sorted Fields pane in an ascending or descending order.

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Group records

The Group tab the Filter <entity> dialog box enables you to display data in a defined hierarchy. It can be used together with your filter criteria.

Note: The Group tab is available only for Grid view, which is applicable in the Test Runs, Defects, and Requirements tab.

Consider the following about the group-by fields:

  • If you group records by a field containing multiple values, the information in each value is grouped as its entire value. This value is the category for grouping. For example, a value with English and French is grouped as English;French, and not as part of separate English and French categories. For details on allowing multiple values, see the ALLOW_MULTIPLE_VALUES site configuration parameter. For details, see Set configuration parameters.

  • The group by list displays only system and user-defined fields associated with a User List or Lookup List type field. For details on field types, see Customize project entities.

The user interface elements of the Group tab are described below:

UI Element Description
Group items by Select the field by which your data is firstly grouped.
Then by Select the field by which your data is additionally grouped.
Applies the group-by settings.

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